Page 84 of Reign (Rock God)
“Jesus…” I whisper, as I try and swallow, but the room is spinning, and I can barely get a good breath in.
“Courtney…” She grabs my chin. “After you left, I felt horrible about the bad way I had left it with Ammo…” And I pull back, I can’t be near her because at my core I know she’s going to hurt me, it’s like my brain is screaming run, but I’m too numb to move.
“I went back to the house…” She takes a breath, and I shake my head no because she can’t actually be about to say this.
“I need to get it out.” She holds up her hand to and stops Melanie from coming closer to us.
“I went back, he was in his bedroom, and I went in. He gave me a drink and I woke up in my car this morning outside his house.” She leans over and starts hyperventilating as I just stare at her because there is no way.
“Rachel, that’s terrible.” I hear Mel’s voice, almost as if I’m dreaming it as I look over at her. “But you need to be careful, you can’t possibly think it was Ammo?”
“Trust me. I’d give anything if it wasn’t. Please understand that I had to tell the police. I mean, they would have pieced it together. I’m on his cameras. Courtney, you have to believe me. I never want to hurt you. But he roofied my drink, then raped me.” She sniffs loudly, then straightens her back as my entire world collapses.
My brain is screaming no! As my body rejects everything—her ugly words, my ugly words, Ammo…
I lean over and puke, just retch for what seems like days, gagging, and heaving out all my hopes, my dreams, all over Melanie’s floor.
“Courtney. Oh my God…” I feel Mel’s hands on me as I lean into her.
“Just… It’s gonna be okay.” She hugs me, and I cling to her, my eyes strangely dry as I stare at the large display of photos she has of our band.
“What the fuck?” Ace bolts in, gun drawn as Rachel starts screaming, and doesn’t stop. It’s as if I’m in an old black-and-white movie as I watch her lose her mind, and I just cling to Melanie.
“Enough!” Ace roars, moving to grab Rachel, but she crouches down onto the floor chanting, “Don’t hurt me.”
Over and over.
“Call an ambulance. I’m getting Courtney out of here.” Ace slips his gun back in his holster.
I hear Melanie say, “Ace, Rachel says Ammo raped her.”
“What?” he growls, his voice so strong with disbelief that I cling to it.
“That’s insane, and a fucking lie, I know Ammo…he would never.” He looks down at Rachel with complete disgust, and she’s now in a fetal position, sobbing on the floor, not far from my vomit. Oddly, I wonder if she will roll onto it.
“Courtney?” I jump at Ace’s voice.
“You know this is bullshit, right?”
I look at him, like really look at this strong, calm man who seems to know everything that goes on, then my gaze swings over at Melanie.
“He’s right, you need to not go there. I know you have issues...” Mel shakes her head, but her big eyes are worried. And suddenly I can’t stop myself.
I scream, like completely, inappropriately let everything out, as my head swims with his face, his beautiful face, laughing and kissing me, so gentle at one moment, then others…
I can’t stop them, seeing him that first time we had sex. He came into my house, and jerked me out of the tub and fucked me against the wall. We were angry, he was so rough, but I loved it.
Ammo’s always been rough.
There’s no way… the Universe can’t do this to me, I refuse. Suddenly everything in the room is silent, save for my own voice.
“I need to see him.” I swallow, already feeling the sting in my throat. “Take me to Ammo.”
“Mr. Adams?” The loud knock makes me bellow out.
“Not now,” I snarl, reaching for Courtney, only to be greeted with nothing.
“I’m sorry, sir, but the LAPD are here.” The deep voice at my door makes my eyes blink open. LAPD, the fuck?
“LAPD?” Forcing my mind to work, I answer, “Fine, tell them I’ll be right down,” I growl as I get up. “Christ.”
Making my way into the bathroom. I should probably change my shirt since I’m in the same clothes from yesterday. Jesus, I’m turning into Nuke.
Interesting. I’m assuming this is about the dick I punched last night as I stare straight ahead and piss. Bit excessive, but who the hell knows with people these days. I flush and turn to the sink. Snorting at my reflection, after I finished off the warm bottle of Jäger, I smoked some weed, and passed out.
I need to text Ace to bring Court home. Note to self, don’t leave Courtney with fucking Nuke. Like ever.