Page 97 of Reign (Rock God)
“I did.” I laugh. “Yeah, I finally got a tattoo.” I hold out my arm. “You know this is my first one?”
“I did not know that.”
“Why is that? I mean, we think rock stars, we automatically think tattoos?”
“Well, for me…” I look out at the audience. “I just needed something to inspire me.”
He nods and moves around some papers and then props up a picture of Ammo with a big red circle and arrow pointing to his tattoo. “Now, forgive me, but this looks strangely familiar…” Everyone starts cheering and catcalling again.
“You have anything you want to tell us?” We both start laughing as I look out at the audience, then turn to Jimmy.
“I might have been inspired by him.” Not believing that I’m actually admitting this on live TV as my cheeks heat up.
“Are you blushing?” He grins, bringing his coffee cup to his lips. I lean back and cross my legs not saying anything more.
“Okay, enough about tattoos. Let’s talk about how I heard ‘Tricky Love’ three times on the radio on my drive into the studio. It’s been number one for almost three weeks, and your album has sold what? Over 500,000 copies since it released a week ago. I mean, bravo.” He nods, clapping with his audience, and I just blink at him and smile. Jesus, with all the shit in my life and heartache, it hasn’t sunk in. When suddenly my eyes look for him in the darkened crowd, because I feel him.
Just hold it together, get through the song, then you can freak out. I chant in my head, as Jimmy keeps talking and laughing with the crowd.
“Thank you.” I smile, and nod at everyone automatically, because suddenly it’s like I can’t breathe again.
“Who wants to hear her sing it live?” The crowd goes wild as I stand. “I think they’re ready. How about you?”
“I’m ready. Although, this is the first time I’ll actually be singing it live, but I’m thrilled to sing it for you and for the audience members.” Taking his outstretched hand, he helps me to his stage.
“You here that? Don’t say my show is not the best.” He laughs and I let everything fade and focus on the fact that this song is truly my soul.
It’s the only way I know how to really communicate, and it doesn’t really matter if Ammo doesn’t watch this. This song is his, he owns every word of it, and I’m not holding back.
I close my eyes and reach for the microphone as the beat fills my head.
I see him.
Feel him as I open my eyes.
“I wrote this song for the love of my life, But really…” I look out at them. “Yeah, this song belongs to all of us who have fucked up and made their love tricky…” The stage explodes as I back up and turn.
And suddenly, my world shatters as he walks on the stage and takes the electric guitar from a stagehand as my heart skips a beat.
He’s here.
Ammo is here, larger than life.
“You gonna sing for me, darlin’?” He stares down at me, his fingers sliding up and down the neck of the guitar, then he grins and looks out at the audience, which makes them wild.
“Ammo…” My eyes fill with tears as he reaches for my chin and I lean into him. And I know that this is it.
His eyes caress my face, and I hear the beat waiting for me, and everything calms. Because he’s here. With me.
My breath immediately syncs with his, my body is tingling, and my head is strangely calm. So I let down my guard, and let it be okay to need him.
Trust him.
I belong to Ammo, and he belongs to me. I look into his eyes, and the words that I thought I had forgotten flow freely.
You’re better than cotton candy. Better than ice cream at the beach.
But I made us tricky—
I made us noisy, when you made it easy.
You made me better, offered me more, but I’m fucked up and I shut that door.”
Smiling as the audience screams and chants the words with me.
“I had my Ammo but wasted my shot...”
“You told me to trust you, I simply could not…I made it messy.
I made our love Tricky.
And now you’re gone. May even hate me, I cry on the floor—
Because I never told you…”
Suddenly I stop as I look at him, my hand reaching for his t-shirt.
“I should have told…You…” Our eyes lock, and I take a deep breath.
“You were my answer. My reason I lived.
You are my love—and I should have told you…”
His hand reaches for the back of my neck, his thumb wiping away my tears as he starts to sing with me.
“You’re better than cotton candy. Better than ice cream at the beach.
But I made us tricky—
I made us noisy, when you made it easy.