Page 9 of Capitally Matched
Rigggght. He’s a cocky stepson of a lovely woman doing me a favor. That’ll do.
“My day was great, thanks. How was yours?” I responded as I crossed to the fridge to pull out my wine. Apparently, it was happy hour in our humble little abode.
“It wasn’t half bad. My brother assigned a great assistant to work with me to help me get settled. I had lunch with another one of my brothers. He took me to Founding Farmers, which had some amazing dumplings. They’re my favorite.”
I blinked at him, pausing mid-pour. I hadn’t expected a real answer, let alone for Hayden to share something so detailed about himself. Was this a trick?
Recovering, I responded, “Founding Farmers? I’ve heard of them. I think there’s one not too far from my office in Gallery Place. Though I’ve heard great things about their mac and cheese, which is definitely my comfort food.”
“Gallery Place, huh? I don’t think that’s too far from Duncan’s offices either.”
We both sipped our drinks in silence for a moment before Hayden broke it again.
“I realized I never asked last night, what internship are you here for?”
I took another sip. This personality switch was a bit unnerving. I thought I had him pegged as a cocky asswipe and now he’s showing interest in me?
“I’m working for the Independent Bookstore Alliance on their Independent Bookstore Future Fund. It raises money that indie bookstores can apply for in grants when they hit on hard times; the owner gets sick or something happens to the bookstore space or the inventory itself. Amazon is expected to control eighty percent of the book market in just a few years, and bookstores like these are so important for the community. It’s important they have resources to fall back on to get them back on their feet.”
Hayden nodded, his eyes intent on my face, taking in the words I’m saying. Intense listener, this one.
“That does sound really important. There’s this great bookstore in Holly Ridge… well, I’m sure you know it. You grew up there. Margaret just loves it.”
I felt myself turn slightly red at the mention of Ridge Reads.
“That’s actually my family’s store. I’ve been working there since I could reach the register. You’re right, it’s great. But I dunno, I wanted to do something more…”
Hayden looked at me with a million more questions in his eyes, and I found myself unable to look away. I didn’t necessarily want to live with someone who made me feel such a mix of emotions—hate, lust, annoyance—for several months, but I definitely wasn’t comfortable with the pull I was feeling to this friendlier, more open version of Hayden. A noise broke into my consciousness, and after a few seconds, I realized my phone was buzzing from where it sat on the kitchen island between us. We both looked down, and I saw Austin’s name, with a picture of him carrying me on his back displayed, as he called me for our scheduled FaceTime date.
I looked back up at Hayden’s face and saw the interest fade that was in his eyes a moment ago. It didn’t take a genius to recognize he was assuming Austin was someone significant to me, and for some reason, I didn’t bother to correct him.
“I should get this,” I said, as I reached for the phone and picked up my glass of wine.
Hayden nodded, taking a deep pull from his beer bottle, but saying nothing more.
“Hey, Austin,” I greeted, as I retreated toward my bedroom, smiling as his handsome face appeared on the screen.
“Hey, Charlie-cakes, how goes it?”
I shut the door to my bedroom behind me.
“Oh, it goes. Much better day today than yesterday. How are you? Tell me a good story while I get changed?”
I sat the phone down on top of my dresser, so Austin was looking at the ceiling, while I pulled sweats and a loose crop-top T-shirt out of it to change into.
“I have a third date with Mitch tonight, so it’s time to decide whether I’m really into him or just a little bored.”
“What’s wrong with this one?” I asked as I pulled the tie on my dress.
“Well, he has big ears for one thing.”
A laugh rocketed out of me.
“Big ears? Really, Austin?”
“What? His hair is too short, so they really stick out from his head! You forget about Madeline from last month, with her big eyes. Apparently, I’m just working my way through too large facial features. He is a nice guy, though. Maybe the ears won’t look so big tonight.”
I picked the phone back up so I could see Austin’s face, noting his eyes are a little sad while his tone is light.