Page 66 of Dion
“I needclosure. I need to face this woman and break this sick bond betweenus. I need to do this in order to get on with my life. If you can’tunderstand that, I’m truly sorry, but this is my life.”
“What aboutOdette?”
Taking the cup backto his desk, he stood there for a few seconds before sitting. “Shedoesn’t understand.”
“Can you blameher?” Ilene demanded. “Darling, are you willing to breakup your relationship for this woman?”
“I was thinkingI shouldn’t have gotten into a relationship in the firstplace.”
“What are yousaying?”
“I’m notready, Mother, and I really don’t want to talk about itanymore. Do we have to meet with the lawyers again?”
“To finalizeeverything, yes.”
He glanced at hiswatch. “I have to go to New York. The designs are in and I needto approve some other things. If I’m not needed here, I’lljust go.”
“Dion- “
He reached for theintercom. “Yes?”
“The pilot saidto inform you that the plane is ready.”
“Thank you.”Releasing the button, he looked at his mother. “I have to go.I’m sorry.” Finishing the coffee, he set the cup down andleft the office with er staring after him in despair.
The cold visitingarea gave him the shivers and he was beginning to wish he hadn’tcome. The meetings with the interior designers had gone without ahitch and everything was going according to plan. So, he’ddecided to get this out of the way.
His name and the facthe had a history with the prisoner had given him some sort of cloutwith the warden and he’d been told he could visit for as longas he wanted. “Just let us know when you’re through, Mr.Horton.” The man told him respectfully.
Instead of sitting onone of the chairs, he stood in the corner of the room, one shoulderpropped against the wall.
He wanted to face herand exorcise the ghost between them and it had to be done. He wassick and tired of living half a life. He straightened, his handsclenching into fists as she was brought into the room by a guard.
Her restraints hadbeen loosened and she seemed to have lost some weight, but he wassurprised to see her looking so well. Her thick blonde hair was drawnback into a ponytail and the orange jumpsuit actually flattered herfair skin.
She looked older, butwas still very attractive. He felt his heart shimmer when she smiledat him. “You came.”
“With greatreluctance.” His eyes drifted to the guard, who left the roomwith a nod and closed the door behind him
“Darling,please sit.”
“I’dprefer to stand.” He told her coldly.
“Is there goingto be this animosity between us now?” She’d taken a seatand was staring at him pleadingly. “I just want to talk.”
“You triedto kill me.” Pulling out the chair, he straddled it.
“I’vespent every single day of my time here agonizing over it. When yousaid you were leaving me, I couldn’t stand you going away fromme and I went crazy. I loved you. I’m still in love with you,darling, and that will never change. You belonged to me- “
“That’swhere you’re wrong. I’m not a property- “
“I know.”She hastened to say, one hand reaching and pulling back when hemoved. “I know that now.” Settling back in the chair, shelet her eyes rove over his face and felt the longing that was nowfamiliar to her. “When you noticed me, I couldn’t believeit. You’re Dion Horton, smart, handsome and rich. I saw you atthat party and you were laughing at something someone said and ittook my breath away. I knew I’d found the one I was supposed tospend my life with. I hated I was so much older than you- “
“Stop it!”He gritted. “It wasn’t your age. It was the fact you havethis sickness, this perverseness inside you that turned my gut. Youwanted me to do things, disgusting things and I-“
Taking a deep breath,he settled himself and realized he needed Odette.