Page 77 of Dion
"You’refussing." She told him mildly, brushing a hand over his firmjaw.
"It's my rightas your husband. You’ve been on your feel for hours."
She smiled up at him.Leaning up, she kissed him on the mouth, ignoring the flashes ofcameras around them. They were the center of attention as usual andreporters who were milling around had come not only for history inthe making, but also to see the couple who’d had suchcontroversy surrounding them.
He saw when shewinced slightly and took his cue from that. "We’re goingto find a nice quiet office and you’re going to rest."
"I’m not-"
"It’seither that or we’re leaving."
Her eyes widened."You can’t leave."
"Choose."His tone was implacable and she knew there was no talking him out ofit.
"A nice quietoffice it is. It's just a twinge, a stiffening of my belly. Our sonis turning to make his way into the world, that's all."
"Let's go findthat office." He firmly guided her through the throng of peopleas they made their way toward the private elevator leading up to theoffices.
They made their wayinto the assistant manager's office where he guided her over to asuede sofa with plump cushions piled on both sides. Lowering her intoit, he went to order some tea for her.
"What's wrong?"He asked sharply as he came to sit at her hip.
"Just," Sheshook her head. "My stomach feels stiff." She rubbed itslowly, removing her hand when he took over.
"It's all thatstanding." He shook his head in exasperation. "I told youto take it easy."
"I guess Ishould have listened." There was a knock on the door and someonefrom the catering staff came in with a tray.
"Just set it onthe table. Thanks." Dion gave the girl a dismissive nod andturned back to look at his wife. "Odette?"
"I need to situp."
"What is it?"
"My back ishurting. Could you-"
Before she couldfinish the sentence, he was behind her, massaging the small of herback.
"How does itfeel now?"
"Much better."
"Want to drinkthe tea?"
She nodded and hewent to get the tray and placed it over her lap.
"You wereright." She murmured as she took sips of the piping hotbeverage.
"The store."Her eyes were shining. "It's a definite hit."
"A hell of a lotof money has been poured in to make it so." He was stillwatching her carefully. "I think we should go home."
"No. I’mfine." The words were scarcely out of her mouth before shestarted to put the cup back down.