Page 14 of Kiss of the Vampire
Wait-staff brought the first course of the meal to the table, and everyone grew quiet while they ate their salads or soup. All but Levka, who drank only water.
Caitlin was dying to know what was wrong with him, but as much as she wanted to know, she felt it rude to ask. Then she had a brilliant idea. She’d ask either Ruric or Stasio, maybe later tonight, if they managed to get Alicia to the comedy show without Dylan sending a hit squad to change their minds.
She shook her head. Anytime during the long voyage, Stasio and his friends could be at risk. It wasn’t worth it so that she could watch the show to get her mind off the volumes of water surrounding her.
Reaching for her drink, she nearly had a heart attack when Levka shoved it into Dylan’s lap. “Sorry,” Levka said, though Caitlin didn’t think he was at all.
“You freak!” Dylan hastily wiped the ice and soda off his lap.
Levka’s action could only escalate the problem with Dylan, though part of her wanted to cheer Levka on.
She planned to tell everyone, convince everyone, she wanted to watch her foster sister swim once they finished their meal. But after Dylan wolfed down the dinner special, some kind of fish, he clutched his stomach and ran out of the dining hall.
Lynne, who had the same meal, pushed her plate away and didn’t eat any more of the fish. Levka and his friends had eaten the beef, and she and Alicia had the chicken, but none of them had gotten sick on their meals. Thank God for small miracles.
Once they finished eating, Stasio asked, “Ready to enjoy the entertainment?”
Lynne threw her napkin on the table. “I guess since you’re not swimming, I’ll go with you, Alicia.” She didn’t seem thrilled about the prospect.
Neither did Alicia. She just went along with it like she was Stasio’s puppet girlfriend. Caitlin had never seen her so quiet and manageable. She loved it.
Levka was back to his brooding self.
She prayed the comedy show would be truly funny and worth the trouble it might cause.
Levka hoped his friends were enjoying their matchmaking efforts for the time-being because once he was well enough, it would be his turn to get back at them.
Ruric communicated with him telepathically in private, “She’s terrified of water, Levka. We’re doing her a big favor.”
All right, Levka couldn’t argue that. He recalled the way she’d trembled when she’d worn the lifejacket during the lifeboat drill and the comment her foster sister made to her about needing a psychiatrist once the cruise was done. Had Alicia wanted to swim because she knew how much the water frightened Caitlin? How could her foster parents be so cruel as to send her on a cruise?
“What was up with her soda?” Arman asked.
Levka watched as Caitlin took her seat at the end of the row so he could sit next to her in his wheelchair. “Her drink was drugged. Dylan slipped something into it when he thought none of us were looking.”
“Bastard,” Stasio said.
Levka glanced at Caitlin. Seemingly forgetting for the moment they were at sea, she smiled and laughed at the comedian’s jokes. Ruric seemed more amused that she was having a good time than anything. Alicia stared blankly at the show. Lynne folded her arms and scowled. Levka imagined she didn’t get half of the jokes. Stasio seemed to enjoy the show as much as Caitlin. Watching behind them, Arman appeared to be looking for Dylan or some of his buddies to arrive.
“Can I get three volunteers from the audience?” the comedian asked, with a distinctive Irish accent.
Six female teens jumped up from their seats and waved their hands.
Stasio twisted his blond hair into a ponytail, then made his way down the stairs to the stage to join in on the fun.
Levka gave Ruric a warning look. He shrugged when the comedian chose two girls and motioned for Stasio to come up on stage, though he hadn’t needed the invite.
Ruric said privately to Levka, “I cannot always keep Stasio under control. You know that.”
Levka frowned. “Convince the comedian you want to join them.”
“It’s too late for that.”
The comedian had Stasio and the two girls sit and face the audience, then said, “With your permission, I will hypnotize the three of you and have you do something that isn’t too terribly embarrassing.”
The audience whooped and cheered.