Page 32 of Kiss of the Vampire
“We’re nearly to her room. Don’t bring Alicia.”
“But, Levka—”
“Don’t bring her, Arman.”
Ruric shook his head. “How can you deny you want Caitlin? It’s written all over your face, in your actions, your thoughts.”
Ignoring his friend, Levka knocked on Caitlin’s door.
“Wait until Arman brings Alicia’s key,” Ruric said.
“Caitlin, open your door for me.”
Ruric let out his breath. “You’re getting deeper in this with no way out.”
“Caitlin.” When she didn’t respond, Levka swore under his breath. “Forget it.”
“Wait!” Ruric said, but Levka vanished and reappeared inside the stateroom.
Seeing the balcony door open, Levka moved with vampiric speed and reached the narrow patio in a fraction of a second. Caitlin was sitting cross-legged on the deck, her arms hugging her body. One chair sat half on the table and half on the other chair. He didn’t think the wind had caused it.
He was crouching before Caitlin and resting his hands on her shoulders when Ruric said, “Invite me in, Levka!”
Levka communicated privately to Caitlin, “It is me, Levka. Look into my eyes.”
When she didn’t respond, he lifted her chin. “Caitlin, look at me. You tried to be my friend when I didn’t wish one. Let me be your friend and help you now.”
Her eyes lost their faraway look and rested on his gaze. “I…I—” Her eyes implored him to help her. “I can’t get up.”
“I’ll assist you, Caitlin. Lean on me. It’s okay to be afraid. Just use my strength now, and you’ll overcome your fear.”
He helped her to stand, her eyes never leaving his gaze, but when he took her wrists, her mouth dropped open, and she winced. Fighting the compulsion to look down, to see what was wrong, he kept his eyes focused on hers, willing her to come with him, to feel safe with him. He shifted his hands to her waist. “Come with me, and we’ll play some cards?” He was not sure how else to handle someone he had so little control over.
She didn’t say anything, just inched her way back into the stateroom with his guidance.
A key twisted in the lock. Then the door to the room opened. Arman called out from the hallway, “Invite us in, Levka!”
“We’re coming to you.” Levka sensed his friends’ annoyance with him, but they had no need to enter her room.
Once he’d shut the balcony door, he asked, “Why were you on the patio, Caitlin?”
Her eyes watered, but she didn’t answer him.
“Were you trying to force yourself to face your fear of the water?”
She broke eye contact with him, and instantly his blood chilled. It reminded him of Cassandra. When she didn’t want to reveal her darkest secrets, she’d break the connection between them. He glanced down at Caitlin’s wrists. Finger marks had bruised her slender wrist. Looking back at the balcony and the mess that the furniture was in, he realized Caitlin must have struggled with someone.
“Caitlin, tell me what happened to you on the balcony.” He tried to keep his voice calm, but he was losing the battle.
When she wouldn’t speak, he sat her down on one of the beds. "Arman, Ruric, Stasio, you may come in.”
“About time,” Ruric grumbled.
“Do I always have to be last?” Stasio asked.
“He always goes in alphabetical order,” Arman said in a teasing manner.
“Arman, find Alicia and question her about Caitlin being on the balcony.” Levka pointed to her bruised wrist. “She didn’t go to the balcony on her own, and she won’t tell me what happened.”