Page 45 of Kiss of the Vampire
Lynne wore a perpetual cat-ate-the-mouse smile.
“What’s up?” Caitlin asked her. “I don’t think I’ve seen you so ‘cheerful’ ever.”
Giving her a sardonic look, Lynne reached for the strawberry jam for her toast. “Someone created quite a stir on the ship early this morning.”
“Where’s Dylan?” Alicia grabbed a cup of black coffee.
“That’s who created the stir. Seems he was sleeping naked outside of your stateroom.” Lynne’s blue eyes sparkled with intrigue. “So, what did you do, Alicia? Kick him out without his clothes? Or was it you, Caitlin?”
Alicia faced Caitlin. “Is that what happened? Is that why he left me?”
Caitlin looked over at Levka. “Naked?”
“He intended to throw you out of the stateroom, Caitlin. He was naked when he headed to the bathroom to do it. Do you think he would have allowed you to dress had he gotten into the bathroom?”
Caitlin’s jaw dropped.
“You threw him out?” Alicia asked Levka, her voice and brows raised in unison.
“It was either that, or Dylan forcing Caitlin out of the room. If that had happened, I would have reported it to your parents this time, not Caitlin. So your choice. Your parents know about your behavior? Or Dylan leaves your room?”
“It gets better,” Lynne said. “Two old ladies started screaming about a naked guy in the hall, waking him up. He ran to his room but didn’t have his key.”
Levka smiled.
“What happened to his key?” Caitlin asked Levka.
“Instead of throwing him over the railing, I threw his clothes. I guess his key was in his clothes.”
Her brow furrowed, she shook her head.
Lynne sipped some of her soda. “Then more people saw him pounding on his door, trying to get his roommate to open up. But his roommate wasn’t in the room because like us, he has to leave early to go to shore. Finally, some of the crew members took a very red-faced and belligerent Dylan into custody. I’m sure his parents are being notified. So are the chaperones who came with our group, though we never see them.”
“Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.”
“And now he’ll really be out to get me,” Caitlin responded, her communication annoyed.
“Well,” Lynne said, “if we’re going to make our tour bus, we better go. I’d say this has already been a memorable day. Maybe, Alicia, you can tell me what you and Dylan were up to before he ended up outside of your room, naked.” Lynne grabbed her bag and hurried out of the dining room.
Alicia glowered at Levka, seized her purse, and took off after Lynne.
“I’d better go, too.” Caitlin wiped her hands. She tilted her baseball cap back and kissed Levka’s cheek, seemingly less disgruntled about what he’d done to Dylan. “Thanks for last night. See you for dinner? We have lunch on the island, then return about two.”
“See you when you get back.” He wanted to pull her into his arms and give her a kiss that would heat her blood, but she was in too much of a rush. He watched her hurry toward the exit of the room, then glanced at his friends. Everyone wore small smiles.
The girl was a siren. He jumped up from the table and hurried after her. When he caught up to her, she smiled.
“I’ll see you off.” The passengers were all signing out to get off the ship, but Levka pulled Caitlin aside. “Be good, and don’t let Lynne or Alicia bother you. If you have any trouble, communicate with me. I’ll come to your rescue.”
“You’re a true knight.” She ran her hand down his chest. “Thanks again for last evening. Maybe because Dylan got into so much trouble, he’ll be on his best behavior from now on.”
Levka pulled off her hat and leaned down to kiss her. He touched his lips to hers, felt the velvety softness, tasted the sweet tangy blackberry flavor she’d coated her toast with, got lost in her blue eyes sparkling with emotion. Groaning, he released her. “Go, or I’ll make you miss your tour bus.”
She hesitated. Then she gave another one of her award-winning smiles. “Wow.” She stuck her hat back on her head and gave his hand a squeeze. “I’ve…I’ve got to go, but…wow.”
He chuckled.
With a backward glance, she gave him another smile, then headed off the ship.