Page 64 of Kiss of the Vampire
But would she feel that way if Levka turned her? Even now, he could barely control the urge to make her his. He couldn’t believe how little restraint he’d had on the dance floor with her.
Vlad penetrated Levka’s dark thoughts. “Have you showed her your canines yet? Oh, but you must have because you’ve tasted her blood. And how did you ever manage that? She is…” He licked his lips. “She is resistant to our vampiric charms. I couldn’t decide if that appealed to me or not. Then after a year of trying to give her up, I decided it did. After all, one of her kind is very rare. Don’t you agree?”
Levka ignored Vlad as Ruric returned with a tray of drinks.
“Vlad looks like he’s wearing lipstick,” Caitlin said low to Levka.
He glanced back at Vlad and scowled. “Wipe your face!”
Vlad smiled, showing his extended bloodied canines.
Turning to see Caitlin’s reaction, Levka was relieved Arman had distracted her.
Arman said, “You see, Caitlin, a pair of the same cards beats a single. And three of a kind…”
“Thanks,” Levka said privately to Arman.
Ruric shared, “The bastard needs to be put out of his misery and shipped off to outer space.”
“By his own league, not us,” Levka warned.
“If these were the good old days…,” Stasio said.
“But they are not. And unless he attempts to kill one of us, we can do nothing about him.” Though if Levka caught him trying to turn Caitlin, he wouldn’t be able to control his anger.
“Or if he attempts to reveal what he is to a ship full of passengers,” Stasio said.
Levka glanced in Vlad’s direction, but he was gone. Relieved, Levka turned to watch Arman giving card game instructions to Caitlin, but noticed she quickly wiped a tear away. Had Vlad upset her?
Arman stopped speaking and looked at Levka as if he wasn’t sure how to proceed.
For a moment, Caitlin attempted a smile, then sipped on her drink and promptly choked. “I’m sorry,” she managed to get out between coughs.
“What’s wrong, Caitlin?” Levka ran his hand over hers.
She shook her head. “I…I guess it’s late enough to call it a night. We have an early morning excursion to Grenada.”
“Is it the cards?” Ruric asked Levka and his friends. “Not once has she joined in on the games. She says she’d rather watch, but every time she does, she seems bothered.”
Levka pulled her up from the sofa. “I think you’re right, Ruric. I should have been more observant.” He sighed. “I wish she’d said something before about this.”
The guys all rose from their seats.
“Let me just finish my drink,” Caitlin said.
“She’s been careful to hide her distress before this,” Arman offered.
Her hand trembled, and Levka squeezed it. “I’ll take Caitlin to her stateroom.”
“And then what?” Ruric asked.
Everyone looked at him as he raised his brows. “I am her mate, so she has confirmed.”
Arman shook his head and collapsed on the chair.
Ruric bowed. “I knew you’d make her yours.”
“Off to another life-threatening adventure,” Stasio said.