Page 88 of Kiss of the Vampire
Levka didn’t look concerned. But she was.
“I’m a witch.”
Levka and the others smiled.
She frowned. “Really. I am.”
Suddenly the P.A. system came to life. “We have docked at the port and evacuation of the ship is mandatory. Secure all of your belongings before you depart. No one will be returning to the ship.”
Levka helped Caitlin up from the sofa. “Don’t leave my side, whatever you do.”
“Because of Vlad?”
“He has had a taste of you. He’ll want to finish the process and claim you for his own. So stick close to me. The others will keep an eye out for us, too.”
She was certain they meant well, but she couldn’t shake the fear Vlad would get around Levka and his friends somehow and get to her. But once she was on land, she could use her magic again. Although, her parents had always taught her to keep it secret from others.
She glanced at the mirror before they departed the stateroom. “How come you have gold around your eyes and I don’t?” She turned to look at Levka. “Are you sure I’m really one of you?”
“A plague changed us many years ago,” Levka said, hurrying her out of the room. “We’re ancients, but those who have been changed by a vampire’s bite do not exhibit this same condition. Only vampires can see this. Therefore, you are vampiric.”
“Most vampires revere us for being ancients,” Ruric said.
Caitlin glanced at his superior smile and shook her head.
Arman chuckled.
“Arrangements for airline transportation need to be made once you depart here,” a crewmember announced on the P.A. system. “Busses will take you to the airport, and accommodations will be made for those who can’t get flights out by this evening.”
A light rain was falling over the port when Caitlin and her friends walked down the gangplank. “What about Alicia?”
“Her school chaperones will ensure she gets home all right. We’ll have to return to your foster parents’ place to wipe their minds that you exist.” Levka glanced down at Caitlin, tightening his hold on her hand. “How do you feel?”
He gave a small smile.
“Not that you aren’t normal,” she quickly said, as she felt the blush rise to her face.
Vlad looked in their direction, then boarded a nearly full bus. The doors shut, and the bus drove off.
“You’d think he’d stick closer to us,” Caitlin said.
“I’m betting he wants to get to the airport soonest to get a seat, contact who he can back home, and prepare for our arrival.” Levka steered Caitlin to the last bus. But when Vlad’s bus vanished from view, Levka guided Caitlin and his friends in the opposite direction and headed down the pier.
“What are we doing?” Caitlin asked.
“Going on another cruise.” Levka pointed at one of the cruise ships among the three others. “It’s getting ready to leave, and we’re going to be on it.”
“This is a cruise for the newlywed or the nearly dead,” a crewman said to another privately, though Caitlin could hear their words clearly as she boarded the ship.
Levka smiled at her when she furrowed her brow at the men. “Eavesdropping?”
She shook her head. “Not trying to.”
“Yeah,” the other crewman said. “How many do you think will keel over this time?”
“By the end of the cruise, five. The two we dropped off in St Martin are part of the count though.”