Page 16 of My Dark Prince
“Fine. You turned me down the first time, but I’m not a man who takes rejection easily, so the next day, I ordered enough roses to fill your bedroom and turned up again, asking for another date, this time asking you where you wanted to go. We went on a nature walk.”
“What?” she huffs. “No way. You make me sound so boring. I would take you skydiving.”
“On our first date?”
“Yep,” she says, then hums to herself as if satisfied with her answer.
Fuck, she’s adorable.
“You see,” she begins. “I want to see what sort of person you are. Someone brave or just someone who talks about being brave.”
“How did I do?” I smirk her way as we pull up in the traffic.
“Well, you blitzed it and even did a somersault jumping out of the plane.”
“Yes, now you know me.” I chuckle at her smirk.
“And…” she muses, her lips pinching to one side as she ponders her next question. “What’s your favorite meal? Color? Do you have any pets?”
I’m in awe of how well she’s handling this situation, putting things together and not freaking out. One date I took to a movie premier years ago, and she just had to keep her mouth shut, but she couldn’t even manage that.
“Teriyaki Beef, black, and no pets,” I answer.
My smile fades, but I push back the emotions that want to roll forward.
“If anyone asks, just steer them clear. No need to comment.”
She tilts her head, studying me, and the questions reflect in her eyes, but she doesn’t push, which I appreciate.
“Your turn,” I say, shifting the conversation back to her.
“Alright.” Her face beams. “Favorite food? Mac and cheese. My dad would sometimes bring it home from this steakhouse near our place. They made the best mac and cheese.” She sighs, staring out at the traffic in front of us momentarily before continuing. “Color is purple. And pets, well, I had a mouse that used to share my room. Does that count?”
I can’t help but smile. “A mouse as a pet?”
She shrugs, grinning shyly. “More like an uninvited roommate, but we had an understanding.”
Part of me is thinking back to her stepmother and how easily she sold her off, and I hate the notion of her sharing a room where mice lived. Where exactly did that bitch have Sapphire staying? Yet I smile for Sapphire.
Then I say, “I have something for you.”
“You do?”
I hit the indicator and pull off on the side of the road, then pull out the small black box in my pocket and present it to Sapphire.
“If we’re going to play the perfect couple, then you need an engagement ring.” I flip open the lid, and her eyes widen. Her mouth gapes open, making a gorgeous little sound.
“Oh that is beautiful.”
“It’s a sapphire, and I thought this stone was most suitable for you. It also comes with diamonds on the sides.”
“Wow, if this was the real thing and someone was proposing to me with this ring, I might be crying right now.” Her smile is huge, and I enjoy seeing the excitement in her eyes.
I collect the ring and take her hand, then slide it on her finger. “I never thought I’d be doing this in a car,” I joke, the strange sensation stirring something in my chest because this feels more intimate than it should.
Her breath hitches, and when I look up, she’s grinning wildly.