Page 32 of My Dark Prince
As I get to my feet, a sharp pang hits me in the chest because as much as I’ve craved to go home, now that it’s happened, I’m so confused, so torn.
“I should speak with Hawk first,” I suggest, but even as the words leave my mouth, I know he’s currently flying and unreachable.
“If you like, but you can do that from home.” His hand squeezes mine, then we head inside where Claire’s waiting.
She’s smiling. “You’re leaving us? I will miss you.” She hugs me before I can react.
I have enjoyed staying at the mansion more than I admitted to myself. Now, everything feels like it’s moving too fast.
“I-I need to get my things from my room,” I finally say and pull from my dad, rushing to my bedroom. In all honesty, I need time to be alone for a moment. I’m barely able to draw a breath into my lungs at leaving Hawk. Fresh tears collect in my eyes, stinging with pain at the thought of walking out just like that.
Why’s this so hard? It’s not where I belong.
Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, the ring on my finger sparkles, and I lift my hand to stare at it. Hawk’s words echo in my ears, reminding me that this has always been a ruse. I’ve been living in a fantasy in an opulent life.
These experiences.
The expensive clothes.
This ring.
They aren’t truly mine.
With trembling hands, I take off the designer shirt and skirt I’m wearing, then fold and place them on the bed. I collect my jeans and the tee I wore when I arrived at the mansion from the back of the wardrobe and get dressed.
The ring feels like a weight on my hand. I twist it on my finger, feeling every ridge, every detail, as if memorizing it. My mind replays every memory with Hawk. Would my leaving impact his deal with Drake? Would Hawk miss me?
Who am I fooling? I’m a means to an end, and he never once said he wanted me to stay with him longer, that he didn’t need the agreement to make me belong to him.
So, what makes me think anything will change when I’ve lost my reason to be in his home?
Yet the idea of leaving is unbearable. Even if I knew this day would come…
I remove the ring from my finger and place it gently on the bedside table, as though it’s the most fragile thing in the world. Taking one last fleeing look in the room, I grab my duffle bag, still packed with my own belongings, and force myself to leave.
Deep down, I know Hawk isn’t the kind of man to settle down. It’s better I face the truth now than let it shatter me later.
* * *
The door creaks slightly, and without turning around, I already know who it is. The familiar heavy floral scent of my stepmother’s perfume wafts through the room. Tensing, my heartbeat speeds up.
“Sapphire.” Her nasally voice puts me on edge, even if it’s softer than usual. In truth, since I returned home five days ago, she’s been tame toward me, actually showing me a kindness I’m not expecting. Maybe my dad is right in that she’s trying to right her mistakes.
I don’t turn toward her right away but keep staring out the window at the creek behind our home and the swaying of the trees from the breeze.
“Lunch is ready,” she continues, the floorboards groaning with her approaching steps. “I wanted to check how you’re doing.”
I turn to face her, searching her expression for any trace of sincerity. It’s difficult to tell because she’s always been so good at disguising her real feelings, and for all I know, she lied to my dad too.
She stands near me, staring out as well.
“I know you haven’t heard from Hawk Kline yet, but perhaps he’s been busy.”
Her words take me off guard because it’s missing her usual malice.
“Yeah, maybe.”