Page 109 of Gift of Dragons
The last dragon tried to blast Shai with fire, but couldn’t get a good aim, for he was twisted and locked with the two other dragons.
Shai managed to buck one of the dragons off of his back and used the momentum of his struggles with the second dragon to knock into the third.
It had been six against one, and now it was three.
Each of these last three dragons were smaller than him. They were vicious and relentless, but he was stronger, tougher.
Like a fish who never knew it had been stranded on land, he took to his dragon form with flawless instinct. A power he discovered as the dragon on his back dug its claws ever deeper into his flesh was the ability to wrap his entire body in lightning and shock his attacker until the scent of burning flesh permeated the stormy air.
Once he was free of his attacker, he whipped around and released a torrent of dragonfire at two of his foes, the third one just managing to fly out of range.
One of the dragons caught the brunt of his assault and turned to smoke. The other was wounded badly enough that it flailed for a short while before also turning to smoke.
Finally, only one shadow dragon remained. It screeched shrilly and opened its mouth wide, attacking with flames.
Shai met its attack head on with his own stream of dragonfire.
His orange-gold flames were clearly stronger than the gray fire, for the shadow dragon’s flames were pushed back toward its gullet, until it had to swallow all of their combined dragonfire whole. Swallowing its own demise.
Thus, it too dissolved into smoke and vanished completely.
With the shadow dragons’ disappearance, the clouds they brought quickly dissipated, dispersing to reveal a starry night. The sea below stopped churning, its waves calming once more, and Heba’s ship climbed steadily out of the whirlpool that had lost the force of its pull.
But the storm was not the only thing losing its substance—Shai could feel his own form rapidly unraveling too.
Everything happened so quickly, but there was a distinct clarity in his mind, a synchronization between his heart and soul, that he’d never possessed up to this point in his existence.
He knew what he truly was at last.
He wasdragon.
He was man.
A man who loved a mortal woman.
A dragon who could no longer exist on earth.
The brand in his forehead burned as he flew down as low as he could, hovering close to where Heba was now standing on the largest expanse of the deck, unobstructed, unprotected.
Staring wide-eyed with wonder up at him, arms outstretched as if reaching toward him to pull him back to earth.
Pull him back toher.
He saw clearly how her wonder and awe turned to confusion and fear as he began to disappear. As his sea glass scales no longer reflected the environment around him, but rather became transparent so that one could seethroughhim, he focused all of his will to transmit a message to her through his mind:
Don’t be afraid.
I must leave you now, but I promise I will never stop trying until I find you again.
Don’t give up.
Live your life fully and continue to dream for both of us.
This is not good bye, little cat. This is only the beginning.
Know that, wherever you are, no matter what, you are cherished by a dragon.
Beyond life and death.