Page 34 of Gift of Dragons
Until finally, she could take no more. She’d moaned so loudly and continuously, her voice was hoarse.
Only then, did he crawl up her body to brace himself above her, the head of his heavy staff throbbing at her still convulsing entrance.
“Look at me, Heba,” he commanded in that deep, primal baritone.
Her glazed eyes flashed to his with keen obedience. She couldn’t look away if she tried.
“Do you want me?”
She nodded fervently. She’d never wanted anything more.
“Do you wantme?” he emphasized, the amber in his irises shot through with hypnotic gold.
She didn’t miss the inflection. She understood what he meant.
This joining they were about to undertake… it was more than the emotionless act of a male depositing his seed within a female. It wastheirjoining.
Heba and Shai.
Woman and man.
It meant something. What, she knew not.
Not yet.
Her mind shied away from the epiphany that threatened to shatter everything she thought she knew about herself and her world.
Not yet.
But she couldn’t deny that this joining would changeeverything. He was forcing her to acknowledge it to him, if not to herself.
“Yes,” she breathed.
A vow made.
“I want you, Shai.”
A declaration and a stake in the ground.
“Only you,” she said with her heart’s truth, if not her mind.
“Always you.”
Chapter Five
“Choose love, not fear.”
Shai slowly pushed, inch by agonizing inch, into his woman’s tight entrance.
His woman.
His Heba.
All the while, he held her gaze. Unblinking, intense.
He wanted her to know who it was that owned her body, joining them irrevocably together.