Page 69 of Gift of Dragons
He’s here! He’s here!
All of her sweetest dreams were coming true!
She wasn’t going to be missish about what they intended to do. So, she flipped dramatically onto her side to face him, the quilt falling beneath her breasts, and watched avidly as he began to undress.
Dear, merciful gods!
She would never tire of watching his golden muscles stretch and bulge. The carved ridges and hollows of his rough-hewn body.
With his back to her, fully naked with his gorgeous buttocks on decadent display, he methodically went through his own ablutions while she eyed him like a starving peasant before the most sumptuous royal feast.
And when at last he turned around, always bending slightly so that the top of his head didn’t bump the ceiling, his body showed his readiness for her.
Oh, did it ever!
Heba swallowed hard as her eyes homed in on the rampant proof of his maleness.
Had it always been so…large?
And thick and long?
And jutting outward from his body like a great mythical obelisk?
That would probably split her in two and render her unconscious?
But she was here for it.
Heba nodded, bolstering her courage.
She could take it. She’d taken him before, and it didn’t even hurt.
Only the intensity of the pleasure he gave her sometimes bordered on pain. But then, she liked it.
She sat up and raised her arms to grab it.
Despite the desire she could clearly see in his eyes, his thoughts were otherwise unfathomable.
For hewasthoughtful as he stared at her. He didn’t come to her immediately. He simply stood before her looking his fill, just as she looked hers.
“Come to bed?” she invited with words, even as her arms remained raised toward him in blatant welcome.
He reached her in two long strides, set one knee upon the straw-stuffed mattress and then the other. He leaned back on his haunches and put his hands upon his thighs, facing her.
Other than that, he didn’t speak, and she had no idea what his thoughts might be.
Breathing deep as if the air held courage and she was inhaling it, Heba decided to take initiative and go after what she wanted.
How difficult could this be? Shai was right here in front of her.
She set her hands upon his shoulders and scooted close, but he was still too far away. She tried to lean toward him to close the distance between them, but she lost balance and almost smacked her face into his hard chest.
This seduction business was much harder than she thought.