Page 75 of Gift of Dragons
Distantly, she was aware that the men on the ship stared after them, some surreptitiously, some openly. She didn’t see them, for she had only eyes for Shai, but she felt their curious gazes. More than that, she felt their approval.
They were amongst friends.
And then, she wasn’t even aware of that, all of her attention focused on the beautiful god striding towards her, his long legs eating up the distance between them.
Shai didn’t stop a few feet from her like he always did, as formality and their roles dictated. He didn’t stop until he was standing toe to toe with her, his big brawny body completely taking up her personal space.
She loved it. She wanted him in her space all the time.
“Good day, little cat,” he murmured low, leaning down to her, caging her against the side rail as he did the day before, with both muscular arms braced on either side of her.
She didn’t even know she’d backed against the rail until the edge of the plank gouged into her spine.
Gods above! She absolutely adored being caged by him.
“Good day, my Shai,” she said softly, but the words were imbued with challenge and determination nevertheless.
His eyes glinted at her blatant possessiveness, but he didn’t react otherwise. He pressed closer until their bodies touched very slightly, not nearly close enough.
The maddening man.
“Did you sleep well?” he rumbled, his golden gaze intense upon her face.
“Not at all,” she replied truthfully, forcing her expression into mock seriousness.
But it only lasted a couple of heartbeats before her face contorted in that uncontrollable looney grin once more.
“But I loved every moment of wakefulness and look forward to not sleeping well again tonight.”
The corners of his eyes crinkled in the most mesmerizing way. This time, though his lips didn’t move, the smile truly reached his eyes.
And he was so handsome, she was half blinded and completely consternated just looking up at him.
It must be the sun and the salty sea air, she told herself. She was getting heat stroke. She simply wasn’t used to seafaring.
Yes, that must be it.
“Mmm,” he hummed noncommittally, the maddening, exasperating man.
“Then you had better take your rest when you can during the day,” he finally husked, leaning close enough now that his lips hovered just a breath above hers.
Daringly, she rose on her tiptoes and nuzzled her mouth against him. Just a teasing, delicate rub, before pulling back.
“I shall take your suggestion under advisement, Captain,” she whispered, staring like a lovesick mooncalf up at him.
He didn’t lean into her barely-there kiss. Didn’t deepen it and own it.
But he looked down at her steadily, his eyes once more unreadable, though they still conveyed affection and desire.
There was something deeper she couldn’t understand. Something bittersweet and sad.
And there was that strange ache beneath her breastbone again, as if she hurt for him vicariously.
“I shall miss you every moment until tonight,” she blurted, unable to rein in the words.
At least she didn’t say what she was thinking:I am greedy for your attention and company every moment, waking or sleeping. I cannot bear to be apart from you.
The smile came back into his eyes, making them glitter like sun-spun gold.