Page 8 of Gift of Dragons
“He should be whole, Papa. I do not want to break his strength and spirit.”
The Pharoah frowned with displeasure. A doting father he might be to his favorite child, but he was still king. His word was law.
“If he is to be your personal guard, your shadow, eating, sleeping, and shitting within hailing distance of you,” he said bluntly, “then he cannot retain his manhood. It is too dangerous. My harem is protected by eunuchs, and so will my daughter be.”
“Please Papa,” Heba pleaded with limpid eyes.
“It is too cruel to maim him so. He is almost a grown man already. He will feel the wound keenly. What if he does not recover from it? It is a dangerous and needless risk to take.”
Her father opened his mouth to interject, probably something about slaves’ feelings didn’t matter.
“Aren’t there other ways to alleviate your worries?” she said quickly. “If the aim is to keep me safe from molestation, which is punishable by deathandthe removal of all of his male parts—”
The Pharaoh grunted at the not so subtle reminder.
“—surely there are safeguards we can put in place. And if not, then I would rather not have him as my personal guard. I would rather send him into the army to train with other warriors.”
“He is a prisoner of war,” Papa reminded her. “He cannot simply be conscripted into the army.”
“But he would not cause havoc when we have his parents,” she stubbornly argued in turn.
The Pharoah leaned back against his seat, regarding his precocious daughter with hooded eyes.
She knew that look. It meant that she’d surprised him yet again, as she had a strange habit of doing since the day she was born. He often looked at her as if she was an unsolvable puzzle, for she did not think, speak or behave like other girls her age.
Or other boys, for that matter.
“If only you were male…” Papa murmured.
It was an oft repeated refrain. It made Heba wish she could have been born male, too, just to please her beloved Papa.
“Very well,” he said at last.
“When we return, your slave will have a cock and ball cage made to his specifications.”
Heba didn’t blush at the crude terms as other girls might. It was merely anatomy, after all. All males had them. And females possessed cunts that gloved the cocks like lock to key when babies were made.
She knew all about it. Her nursemaid Sitre In explained reproduction in vivid detail when she was only six.
“You will be given the only key,” Papa went on. “And have the responsibility to release him for relieving himself five or six times a day.”
Heba was already nodding.
Such chores were easy. She did the same for her saluki, Anubis. She took pleasure in taking the dog out for his daily walks and relief. And he got to keep all of his parts too, ha!
Papa sighed and shook his head a little, as if he didn’t know what to do with her recalcitrant ways.
“You make me break all of my rules, Heba,” he chastised, though the softness of his tone took out the sting of his words.
She grinned unrepentantly at him.
“That is why you love me so, Papa.”
And so it was, the princess and her shadow. Henceforth inseparable.
Wherever she went, he followed, an ever-present stalwart strength by her side. A protector. A warrior. And sometimes, a confidante too.
Shai was simplyhers…