Page 70 of Embrace of Dragons
As his hand waved right through her like smoke.
“It will set you free…”
Chapter Ten
“Sex is an emotion in motion.”
—Mae West
Arthur awoke to the sensation of hot drool dampening his neck and collarbone, flaky, dried cum itching his torso and groin, and a persistent, aching throb in his arse.
It wasn’t entirely…unpleasant.
“Let me go,” he grunted, his voice gritty from sleep.
“No,” came the muffled reply against his back.
“I have to piss,” he pointed out.
A discontented grumble filled the room, the sound of a mythical serpent half growling, half purring.
Slowly, with far more care than what took place the day before, Lancelot withdrew from Arthur’s body. But the voluptuous movement still made Arthur bite back a groan of pain-laced pleasure.
Gods! He could barely conceive how he’d fit the beast inside him. How he could even have wanted it. Demanded it. Egged Lancelot on until he got it.
When Lancelot finally pulled free, Arthur’s ass clenched reflexively on emptiness, as if his body was begging its mate tocome back. As if it hurt more to be without than to be stuffed almost beyond his endurance.
He shifted to his back and clenched his buttocks, tensed his thighs, trying to gage how he felt.
Immediately, Lancelot threw an arm across his torso and a long leg across his hips. He wasn’t even fully conscious, his eyes closed and mouth slack.
Arthur could tell that he had fully healed from the…exertions of the previous day.
In fact, his channel was still slick and filled with the other man’s cum, and it was…soothing. As if Lancelot’s seed helped him heal faster. He could almost feel it repair the tears inside the moment his inner walls were coated with it. It had heightened his own orgasms like nothing he’d felt before, multiplying the ecstasy to an almost unbearable degree.
He threw an arm over his eyes and swallowed thickly, not sure what to make of his current state of being.
Well, he’d always known he and his First Knight had a unique chemistry. He’d always wanted Lancelot carnally.
But it had never been about sex for the sake of sex. He’d been gloriously satisfied the day on the hilltop too. Sharing their bodies was simply a way to get even closer to the man, who otherwise seemed so unknowable and untouchable.
“Off,” he commanded, making another attempt to get up.
With the utmost reluctance, like a sloth he was so slow, Lancelot retracted his limbs from Arthur’s person.
Before he could change his mind and stay in this comfortable, messy nest with the knight, Arthur rose from the bed and padded into the adjoining bathroom.
There, he braced his arms on the counter and stared at himself in the mirror.
Something had changed.
He could see it in the brightness of his eyes where they used to be dull. The lack of dark circles under them. The still swollen plumpness of his lips where Lancelot bit him. And the color that remained in his cheeks, as if he was still suspended at the height of pleasure.
He looked…
He felt different too. And not just because his body was loosened in ways he’d never experienced before. He was literally taken apart. And it had been glorious. He even welcomed the pain that preceded the pleasure.