Page 73 of Embrace of Dragons
“I want to taste you and keep your flavor on my tongue. Which reminds me. I’m hungry. We haven’t eaten since earlyyesterday. Annie told me how to order food. I will do so while you finish washing.”
Arthur merely stared at him, still barely conscious from the intense orgasm he just had. Lancelot was giving him whiplash with how fast he changed topics. As if one thing had anything to do with the other. As if Arthur and food rated similarly on his list of to-dos.
“Be sure to wash thoroughly,” Lancelot said, almost as an afterthought as he paused by the bathroom door, dripping wet, not bothering to towel off.
“I will want dessert after my meal. I want to taste the inside of you.”
Arthur’s eyes flared with renewed lust, shocked into opening wide.
“I wonder if I can still find my seed inside.”
He shrugged slightly while Arthur’s jaw dropped.
“No matter. I will simply fill you full again.”
At that, his eyes met Arthur’s with a mischievous glint and a triumphant smirk. He palmed his own unrelieved erection and gave the flared head a promising squeeze.
The devil!
Arthur scooped up the forgotten soap from the shower floor and chucked it at Lancelot’s head right before he shut the bathroom door.
Smooth, sinful chuckles mocked him from the other side.
~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~
Something had definitely changed between the fabled King and his valiant knight.
They were on the last leg of their journey to Caerleon today, or what was modern Newport, Wales. Altogether it was about three hours, door to door, by train, bus and finally the rental vanAnnie commandeered, as she was the only one amongst them with a valid driver’s license.
Staying on the left side of the road and trying to recall the local traffic rules taxed all of her concentration. Even so, she almost ran over a few pedestrians and cyclists because she had trouble estimating how much room to leave on her side of the road.
Road trip! She’d always wanted to go on one. It was living up to expectations. Nothing like gazing at the idyllic English countryside. Gray-blue skies dotted with white clouds like herds of sheep. Rolling green and purple hills. Meandering rivers bridged by picturesque stone and wooden arches. Majestic ruins from bygone times.
Well, Welsh, she supposed. The locals would take offense if she used the wrong term, given their history. Good thing it was only in Annie’s head.
But back to the two transplants from the Dark Ages of Britain.
Her first clue that something had drastically changed was the fact that the pair didn’t emerge from their apartment until afternoon.
Annie was getting worried and thought about calling. But they were grown men, for Pete’s sake. Even if they were from another time in an unfamiliar city, they should be able to be left alone for a few hours or even days.
When they did arrive in the lobby, Annie and the rest of the group were just leaving the hotel restaurant after a late brunch. If Annie were to describe the look on Arthur’s face, she’d have to go with “well-fucked.” And the look on Lancelot’s was “cat that got the cream.”
About damn time, she thought to herself.
If anyone else picked up on the new dynamic between the two men, they didn’t say a word. They gave Arthur and Lancelotspace, as if the pair were locked magnets contained in their own force field.
Her second clue was that the two men sat in the third row of the van, which in of itself wasn’t surprising, given that Red rode shotgun and Rui and Wolfe had their own row. Whatwassurprising was how close they sat together, practically on top of each other.
Arthur seemed on edge, long legs squeezed between the seat in front of him, knee bouncing with a crackling energy. He always seemed like a tightly controlled tornado to Annie, but he was particularly restless this afternoon.
At first, she thought it might be because they were heading to Caerleon. Maybe he was mentally preparing himself for seeing his old haunts. From what she gathered, none of his memories had been pleasant there. It was only on the road, in battle, that he felt somewhat unleashed.
But it was more than that.
If Arthur was sex on a stick before, he was exponentially sexier now. Not that Annie was attracted. But she had eyes, and a heterosexual libido. She noticed. Whereas Arthur always attracted a lot of attention wherever he went, this new energy he gave off was only within a very exclusive orbit.