Page 86 of Embrace of Dragons
Arthur had always admired Lancelot, intrigued and besotted, and watched him avidly whenever he could.
Lancelot was a remarkable swimmer. While he was graceful and effortless in everything he did, he was especially at home in water. When they traveled together in the old days, the fact that Lancelot could disappear for hours in a body of water, be it river, lake or sea, was a bit of a running jest amongst Arthur and his men.
They called him merman, otter, dolphin, and all kinds of aquatic creatures’ names. Spending time in water always seemed to put Lancelot in a good mood, made him loose yet full of verve afterwards.
Arthur could tell that he needed this. He’d been unusually tense for the entire day, making Arthur tense as well by extension. Lately, when they both felt this way, they took it out on each other, fucking or fighting. More fucking over the course of the trip.
But today, the tension seemed to pull them apart. It made Arthur’s heart ache.
Finally, after much longer than any mortal man could endure, Lancelot’s sleek head resurfaced farther down the river. Arthur could only see a small silvery dot where the moonlight touched his hair. Lancelot dove again, and the next time he surfaced, he was close enough to where Arthur sat that they could hear each other without having to shout.
“Join me, Arthur,” Lancelot invited, his lips almost lifted in a smile.
Water never failed to put him in a good mood.
“You’re daft if you think I’ll voluntarily freeze my nuts off in there,” Arthur said.
“I’ll warm you,” the knight promised. His voice contained no inuendo, but his eyes flared with heat.
Arthur shook his head, a ghost of a smile pulling at his own lips.
Ah, how the dynamic between them had changed.
Back in the olden days, Arthur always followed Lancelot into whatever body of water he decided to luxuriate in, even if the climate wasn’t always the most comfortable. Lancelot never invited him, though he also never objected. The warrior would swim circles around him and make him feel like a particularly unwieldy lump of rock, and Arthur would admire the knight for his uncanny aquatic abilities.
Now, even when there was distance between them, Lancelot always showed how hewantedArthur. The Bond between them always pulled them back together.
Aye, that must be it. The Bond. At least for Lancelot.
For Arthur, it was more. It had always been more.
Lancelot swiped his arm to send a wave of water toward Arthur, but only a few droplets managed to reach his person. It was indeed icy cold.
“That didn’t help your case,” he told Lancelot, not moving from his spot on the rock.
The knight flipped gracefully onto his back and floated closer to Arthur, giving him a view of the man’s glistening, marble-like front, ridged with muscles despite his relaxed pose. One muscle in particular was hard and beautiful, jutting proudly past Lancelot’s navel from his hairless groin.
Fuck, how could he possibly be hard doused in freezing water? It defied all logic. But Arthur certainly enjoyed the view.
Lancelot’s sex flexed as if knowing that it had an admirer, and Arthur’s mouth began to salivate.
He’d never paused to wonder about his obsessive attraction to the knight. In his thirty-some years, he’d only ever felt the draw of women. He enjoyed their curves and sweet-smelling skin, delighted in how they fit their softness against him, around him, molding so well to his hardness, no matter their shape or form.
He’d never felt pull with any other man. He could admire a warrior’s strength and skill, even note the appeal of their appearance. But he never felt the spark, never wanted a man for sex.
Lancelot was in a league of his own. Arthurlovedhis angles and hardness, was addicted to his clean, manly smell. They were equals in a way that Arthur never felt with women. With anyone. In fact, Lancelot used to be stronger than him, before they were Bonded. Lancelot bested him in just about everything.
From the first time Arthur laid eyes on him, he wanted Lancelot.
He knew it would never change. This overwhelming, sometimes crippling desire. It only ever grew with time, despite everything. Even when he hated him, he wanted him.
Lost in his own thoughts, he was caught completely off guard when Lancelot floated close enough to unleash a gigantic tidal wave with both arms at Arthur. This time, as if helped by magic, the water completely engulfed Arthur like two massive hands clapping around him.
Instantly, he was drenched to the bone. He choked and sputtered as he leapt to his feet.