Page 91 of Embrace of Dragons
And Lancelot realized, in that moment, exactly what he’d sacrificed when he’d let the she-demon use him. What Arthur had endured as well, and why he hated Lancelot for it. Why he hated himself even more.
Because… she’d taken something that should only be given freely between two people wholovedone another.
As Arthur was loving him now.
With his body, his heart and soul. With everything he was.
This was makinglove. This was…
Lancelot’s eyes burned and blurred as he stared up at Arthur, but he refused to look away. Tears gathered and overflowed, leaking down his temples and into the grass beneath.
Still, he couldn’t look away.
“Lance…” Arthur whispered.
But Lancelot heard what he didn’t say. Heard it loud and clear in his mind. His heart.
I love you.
I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you the way you protected me.
I’ve always and only ever loved you.
I wish…
I wish…
At last, Arthur covered him with his whole body and broke their gaze. Instead, he fused their mouths together in a devouring kiss. Their bodies surged together in perfect harmony. And when they came, they came as one.
A cataclysm unleashed.
Arthur fucked him through it, rode the high and made it higher. Pushed him past one zenith after another, like endless crashing tides, hurling him again and again into the undertow of ecstasy.
When it was done, Arthur stayed inside him, his huge body splayed half on top, half beside him.
Arthur’s thumb brushed one last time across his cheek before the man slackened in sleep.
While Lancelot stayed awake.
Chapter Thirteen
“If you love someone, you must be prepared to set them free.”
—Paulo Coelho
“Huh,” Annie murmured the next morning, walking in aimless circles around the river bank where they congregated over a light repast.
“No reception. Even the direct satellite link for my wrist com doesn’t work. Not that I’ve been contacting the home base very often during this trip, or vice versa, but this is the first time I’m getting absolutely nada.”
“Perhaps it is because of the amulet,” Merlin said, surprising Annie into stillness as she regarded her Mate.