Page 99 of Embrace of Dragons
Rui squinted as if trying to see through the murky water.
It was so still and silent beneath the river, though it wasn’t particularly deep. Only the current drifted gently around them; no fish or other creatures swam nearby, as if they were well aware of the danger and kept to the safety of their hiding places.
Suddenly, five enormous objects bombed into the water around them, surrounding them on all sides.
Fuck! Those winged buggers can swim!Annie telepathed what they were all thinking.
The “winged buggers” could indeed swim, from the looks of it. They folded their massive wings into their bodies, and those wings transformed into webbed fins. Their long, spiked and clawed tails flattened into a more aquatic shape, like propellers.
And when they opened their jaws, watery spears lanced their way, a couple catching Rui in the shoulder and chest, one knocking into Arthur, shoving him back so hard, Lancelot knew his torso would be black and blue for days from the impact.
Rui fought back against two of the shadows, both almost twice her size. She used her speed and agility against them, slicing at them with her claws and tail, slipping just barely through their clutches.
Annie held on for dear life, plastering herself against Rui’s back, her hands clawed into the water dragon’s scales. If she lost hold of Rui, she’d be entirely defenseless. Her fire bombs were useless here.
Meanwhile, Arthur was barely conscious from getting skewered by the water lance. His body suspended in water, unmoving.
Lancelot swam toward him furiously and just managed to snatch him away from the snap of a shadow dragon’s jaw.
But there was no way to avoid the giant monsters that surrounded them forever. Lancelot might have had a slim chance of getting away by himself. He was far faster than these lumbering beasts, who, though adapted to the water, were still unnatural within it.
But with Arthur as a near deadweight in his arms, he was too slow. He couldn’t save both of them.
He couldn’t save any of them.
Rui was getting cornered by three dragons now, as if they were playing with their food. The other two dragons closed in on Lancelot and Arthur, their reptilian maws curved in sinister smiles.
When one snapped at Arthur’s leg, either to bite it clean off or to grab onto it, Lancelot lost all control.
Pushing Arthur behind his back, he roared with fury, bubbles bursting forth from his mouth, even as his mind threatened to shatter with the force of his internal scream.
The others seemed to hear it too, for the shadows, Rui and Annie were all stunned into paralysis for a moment, staring befuddled and astonished at him, as if they’d never seen him before.
Lancelot shouted again, simply to release the pent-up desperation and fear within him, and a thick torrent of water wrapped in silvery flames shot into the nearest shadow dragon, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of its chest.
Chapter Fourteen
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds.”
What the fuck?!
Lancelot was stunned into momentary paralysis himself as he watched the shadow disintegrate into specks of fish food right before his eyes.
This exclamation came from Annie, who stared at him with eyes so wide, they took up her entire face.
Rui wore a similar expression.
Water dragon, she projected.
Lancelot was tempted to spin around to see.
Watch out!