Page 23 of The Book Signing
Would he?
Despite the cloud over my head, a smile appears as I recall his sexy behavior. Oh, how I really wanted to touch him and have himreciprocate. Goose-pimples popped up on my skin again as he whispered his proposal. I felt his warm breath against my neck, which further intensified my desire.
Suddenly, I feel hot and flustered. My nipples stiffen and my eyelids shut. I imagine him leaning in close to me and caresses my neck before kissing it. Then my lips. Thoroughly, like I was his for the taking. I reciprocate, of course. Next, his fingers gently travel further south, and I moan as his kisses gravitate back to my neck, then to my breasts. Finally, he pulls back the elastic of my underwear and finds the spot that’s heated, and ready for his touch.
A screech awakens me from my daydreaming, and I realize my hand had travelled down to the same spot imaginary Jaxon touched. I quickly remove it and try to compose myself.
My body is up in seconds, and I adjust my hair and peek through the peephole, but no one is standing outside.
Another yelp follows, and I get worried. Then it hits me. I also have a courtyard door. I didn’t realize it because I have the curtains closed.
I make my way over and peer through them to see if someone is there, and to my surprise, I find Jaxon. Eye to eye with a… fucking Kangaroo!
Jaxon looks shocked and fortunately for him, I’m here, but he is still outside, right in front of the large mammal. I watch in horror as the Kangaroo stands there on its two hind feet, staring at Jaxon. Even though it isn’t attacking him, it’s still surprising to see the animal so close. Literally outside of my room, in the courtyard.
Get your head out of your ass and let him inside!
Opening the curtains wide, I quickly unlock the door and step outside.
Grabbing Jaxon by his arm, I whisper, “Get inside before it gets closer.” I pull him toward the room, and he instantly obliges. As soon as he is over the threshold, I shut the glass door and lock it, then close the curtains.
A sigh leaves me as I turn to Jaxon, who looks pale as hell. I want to break the ice and get him back to his normal state, so I blurt out my first thought.
“Holy shit, did that really just happen? What the hell is a Kangaroo doing on the hotel grounds?”
He breathes out a deep sigh and chuckles as he sits on a chair. “I don’t know, but it scared the shit out of me.”
I laugh, and he looks up at me and smiles, a genuine smile, too. Not the cocky one he’s given me before.
“What were you doing outside my courtyard, anyway?”
“I was on my way to check out the jet skis and thought you’d like to tag along. Then, out of fucking nowhere, a kangaroo jumped out of the bushes. I thought I was going to be dinner!”
Laughter bubbles out of me. “Oh, I can just imagine the news. ‘American tourist boxed to death by Kangaroo.’”
Jaxon rolls his eyes and says, “Whatever. The point is, it was scary.”
Suddenly, his demeanor changes, and there is no longer teasing or talk of Australian animals. Instead, I notice his eyes skim over my chest. Liking the intimate gesture, I cross my arms but below my breasts, making sure they’re lifted for him to see the perky girls.
His eyes flicker with desire, reminding me of what I was thinking about before he interrupted.
What if I have just a little fun with him? All I need to do is avoid sleeping with him.
“Anything on your mind?” Jaxon asks, as if he knows my thoughts. His lop-sided smile adds to hissilent presumption, his gaze struggling to leave my chest.
I’ve always been able to use them as ammunition in the past. Looks like they haven’t lost their spark.
But similar to him, I’ve not always been one to shy away from the truth. Sometimes you need to speak your mind to get somewhere.
I look him directly in the eye and admit my inner conflict. “If you must know, I am deciding whether I let myself go and have fun with you. Or whether I stick by my book, my new rules, and avoid this attraction between us.” He quirks his lips and gives me a blinding grin. “You know, I’m not as innocent as I may seem. You should read my book; it will give you a more descriptive insight.” My mouth curves into a little smirk.
Jaxon moves closer, almost inches in front of me, and lifts his hand to graze a finger down my nape, stopping just above my breasts, leaving goose pimples in its wake.
He lowers his voice and says, “How innocent are you feeling right now?”
I gulp, thinking about how to respond to his question. I tried so hard to have a focused mindset but shit, when he looks at me like that, my body screams ‘Please come closer’.