Page 55 of The Book Signing
“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” she deadpans as her perfectly plucked eyebrow lifts, giving me her signature pointed look.
“Damn, didn’t see that one coming.”
She laughs and gives me a hug. “Abi, life is too short. Look, if you ever have the chance to see him, or speak to him or… I don’t know, message him. I don’t see you losing any pride in asking. There is no harm in trying to find out. He’ll either freeze you out, showing his true dickheadness, or will explain what happened.”
I lean my head against her shoulder, tightening the hug. “Thank you for your words of wisdom. Oh, and as for the next book… “I have a few ideas,” I pull away from the hug and add, “but I’m not going to talk about it until I have a full outlined plot. Just give me some time to get it formed. For now, let’s just stick with more advertising and marketing. I was thinking on the flight over here that you can do some social media updates about the book signing. That’s your forte! It’s too much for me.” My mouth curves into a grin, knowing her obsession with blogs and social media.
“A millennial who doesn’t do social media. Who are you?” Tiffany guffaws and shakes her head.
“You can’t use millennial bullshit anymore. It’s getting used way too many times and losing its real meaning.” I poke my tongue out at her.
“Same shit, different smell.” She pokes her tongue out back at me.
I chuckle and get up from the couch, noticing her check the time on her watch.
“Anyway, it’s time to head off home. I know the kids are difficult to put to bed without you. Frankly, I’m amazed Ted isn’t texting you, begging you to come home.” I smirk.
Tiffany lifts the screen to me. “Three messages. One missed call. All from him.” She laughs and shakes her head. “He’ll be fine, but yeah, I want to go home and say good night to the monkeys.”
Nodding, I give her one more hug, then open the door for her.
“Chin up. Cheer up,” Tiffany says before she blows a kiss and walks out. I sigh and close the door, then lock it.
Chin up I can do, but cheer up?
Now that’s something I am going to have to work on.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Three jet-lag days later…
I take another sip of my beer, and I’m slowly feeling better. The long-legged brunette beside me is currently sending me signals, but I don’t really want to pursue them. I shake my head incredulously as I realize how much I’ve changed in such a short while.
How is this possible?
“So, were you always from Chicago?” the brunette asks, trying to make conversation whilst her hands are sliding onto my knee.
Fuck me, is this really happening now?
A chuckle burst out of me at the thought. Who have I become? A woman is sending me signs she wants me and yet here I sit, wishing she would keep her hands to herself. The thought itself strikes me as odd.
“Ah, yeah. Born and bred,” I respond, gently moving her hand aside, hoping she would get the idea.
She pouts and adjusts herself on the bar stool before sliding her business card over to me and whispering, “For when you feel lonely.” Then stands, gives me a wink and walks away from the bar.
A twitch in my dick? Nope.
Interest in going after her? Nope.
Taking the card and planning on calling her? Nope.
The image of a laughing, gregarious and assertive pink-haired beauty fills my mind and I realize that’s who I would run after. Now that I know the reason she was so pissed off with me, thinking Greg was me all along, I feel slightly better. Of course, she was annoyed before that too, but Greg just made it worse.
Would Abigail ever talk to me again? Would our paths cross here in Chicago?