Page 62 of The Book Signing
“Don’t forget the great breakfast buffet.” I add, dismissing the ringing that’s getting louder the longer I don’t answer.
Jaxon chuckles as he nods. “Yes, who could forget that?”
Then he does something that surprises me. Jaxon leans over as he shoves his wallet back into his back pocket and gives me a warm kiss on my cheek, then whispers, “Hopefully, we can meet again, and on our terms.” Then he turns around and weaves his way through the tables and opens the door, walking out into the chilly Chicago air.
I touch my cheek and sigh. The kiss was warm and unexpected. There was so much anger back at the resort where I felt so betrayed. After Tiffany giving me an eye opener at the hypocrisy of it all, and Jaxon talking about his feelings… maybe being back home could help mend our fragile hearts. Together.
Chapter Thirty-Three
I didn’t get to speak about Jaxon to Tiffany as I’d hoped to. With dinner being chaotic, it wasn’t the time and place to discuss him. After the kids started to act up and got settled again, the discussions went on to Ted’s work and Tiffany’s. We really needed some ‘us’ time instead, which finally happened tonight.
I set the table up with wine and magazines, just girl time like we used to do before relationships and work got in the way. Life, really.
We’ve been sitting on the couch for thirty minutes as I’ve been going on about Jaxon until sheinterrupts me as she puts down the beauty magazine.
“So, he’s emotionally stunted?”
I glance at her and match her raised eyebrow, noting hers is far too thin.
A sigh rumbles out of me as I set down two tumblers and pour some more wine in one, then hand it over to her, then fill one for myself. I lean back onto the couch and cross my legs.
“No, it’s more like someone hurt him in the past, and he just spiraled out of control into a playboy lifestyle. See, he got angry at his ex, at the world, at couples who love each other. I don’t think he can trust well, which is likely why he doesn’t like to market himself, having everyone know so much about him. He’s chosen the easy way out rather than starting a healthy relationship and giving it a chance.”
“He got hurt and chose revenge as the answer?” Tiffany huffs, then takes a gulp of her chardonnay and says, “Not healthy at all.”
“Yep, but shit, Tiff. He looked pretty tormented when he spoke about it.”
She cocks her head to the side and says, “You know, as weird, or I guess selfish, as it may sound, I’ve never thought about the way a guy feels when he’s cheated on. I cheated on a guy once… but he was really horrible and well… anyway, I didn’t think about the repercussions, rather thought only about myself and how I felt. Not that he probably cared much. Then again, I never thought to ask.”
“Woah, first, when the hell did you cheat on someone?” I blurt, almost spitting my wine out in surprise.
She gives me a sheepish look and says, “Remember Zane?”
“Yeah, he was that banker that kept on chatting to you?”
She nods. “Well, I slept with him after I got fed up with Lee and his constant belittling.”
“Wow, I didn’t think you’d ever cheat on anyone.” I give her a pointed look.
She waves her hand, dismissing my comment. “Anyway, forget about me. So, Jaxon is a tormented soul. Aren’t you one too? Both of you have almost identical situations.”
“Yeah, but I don’t care about that anymore. It was always the fact he enjoyed sleeping around. The thought that monogamy was a waste of time. For me, it’s something I want to aspire to. It’s just disheartening, that’s all. I enjoyed his company. He was great at foreplay and sex, and our banter was fun. But I can’t start anything with him now, knowing the truth.”
Tiffany places her now empty glass onto the table and says, “Didn’t you say that he hadn’t slept with anyone since you? That’s gotta mean something, right? He admitted it to you openly. No sugar coating. And that kiss on the cheek, and the apologies… sis, I think you need to think about this grudge of yours. Maybe get to know him again, start fresh?”
I mull over her words and agree that she has a point. I still won’t agree with his actions, but I also don’t know him as well as I thought I did. Technically, I knew him very little.
“You really seem to vouch for him.”
She shrugs. “I care about you, but I’m going to be frank with you. You’re being a little hypocritical and whilst you want to motivate others, you aren’t opening your heart, either. You talk about it and want to, but I think you’re still closed off from intimacy. Just think about it.” Then she smirks and says, “Plus, he’s interested in being my client, so I also need to look out for his mental well-being.”
She laughs when I raise my eyebrow. “Okay, okay. I care about your mental health and well-being more. I have good intuition sometimes, and this,” she gestures to me, waving her hands in a circle, “sis, is one of those times.”
I sigh at her comment and get up from the couch, and head towards the kitchen. The scent of her perfume surrounds me, a sign she’s following me, as I deflect. “Anyway, so that’s pretty much it.” Then I poke her in the chest and say, “And I still don’t know whether to be annoyed with you for the setup or to thank you.”
Tiffany chuckles and says, “Abi, I love you and want the best for you. In this case, I want to help you.” She smiles, and I can see the gleam in her eye as she moves towards the kitchen bench. She collects a pen from the table and a sheet from the shopping list magnet on the fridge on her way. I watch her with curiosity as she takes her phone and scrolls down, then writes something onto the paper.