Page 67 of The Book Signing
“I can’t believe you’re up to chapter three!” Jaxon exclaims, as he stands behind me, taking a glance at the laptop. “Didn’t you like, start a few weeks ago?” he says as his hands rub my shoulders tenderly.
Enjoying the feel of his touch, I relax and stare back at the screen. “I actually started earlier but stopped for a while and then when I returned here, I decided to get back to it. So technically, it’s two chapters completed. I had time to write whilst I was at another book signing and a seminar on recovering from an unhealthy emotional journey. There I spoke to many women and men that hademotional baggage and wanted to move on from it all.” I shrug nonchalantly but, on the inside, I am shining with pride. Gloating just isn’t in my nature, but I’m doing my best not to jump out and do a happy dance.
“Well, I’m happy for you, flamingo,” he says cheekily.
I swivel the chair, so his gorgeous face is closer to mine. “Three weeks and now I’m flamingo again?”
He smiles and nods. “I feel like things are good between us again. Do you know what I mean?”
A little chuckle makes its way through, not expecting him to be so open about his feelings, so suddenly, too. Gone is the cocky playboy, and in its place is… someone completely different. A glimmer of insecurity passes through his expression when I don’t respond quickly.
I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss that says it all.
Yes, I understand what he means. Yes, I feel at ease with him now and enjoy his company. We are different people here, less snappy, argumentative, and rolled up in our shameful pasts.
It’s like reuniting is some sort of couples’ therapy.
The thought makes me laugh.
“What’s so funny?” He asks.
“Nothing, don’t worry,” I say with a smile.
Jaxon raises an eyebrow but doesn’t press further.
I give in and indulge him. “It’s just you’re so different these days,” I mumble. I can see his expression go curious. “It makes me wonder, is this what you were like before everything happened with, she-who-shall-not-be-named?”
His jaw hardens at first, and then he exhales. “I can’t remember what I was like before her. My life was so wrapped up in anger, vengeance and then…” he shrugs.
I lean back, still resting my arms around his neck. “Are you happy now? You’re not sleeping around. You’re not running around screaming ‘woo-hoo promiscuity is awesome’, or whatever you were trying to say in your books.”
Jaxon chuckles and then gives me a smirk. “Well, put it this way. Before meeting you, I was sleeping with a new woman regularly. But now, after realizing how much I wanted you, I stopped focusing on sex. I’m just glad we’re getting along again. I admit, it was weird realizing how much I wanted you. Especially that I tried pursuing you, which I hadn’t done before. Not even with Natasha.” His smirk remains, but his hands begin agraze along the length of my arm as he says, “The only thing I don’t know how to deal with is the large blue balls.”
“Blue balls, you say?” I bite down on my lip and glide my hand down to his groin, lingering above the said balls.
Jaxon coughs in surprise, then chuckles and nods, his cheeks becoming a little flushed. “I haven’t slept with another woman since I arrived. Once I met you, my thoughts didn’t stray, even when I had the chance.”
“I’m going to dismiss that last part,” I mutter, before I lean in closer and kiss him. Our bodies were already in proximity, but not close enough. I enjoy reveling in his warmth and the feeling of his large hands splaying on my back. Jaxon returns the kiss with fervor, and I match his eagerness.
It feels like we are on fire. We’re still wearing clothes, but our skin is sizzling, and we are screaming at how much our bodies had missed each other.
I don’t want to just kiss him anymore. I want him inside me. The intense, dirty, and flirty Jaxon.
Do I speak up and risk his reprisal or enjoy this passionate version of him?
I open my mouth to speak, but he beats me to it and whispers, “Dammit, Abi. I don’t know how much longer I can take it before I explode.”
Something about those words makes me lose my sense of control, and I take hold of the back of his nape and pull him down against my lips. I kiss him with enthusiasm and grind myself against him like a madwoman, tense with need.
Jaxon moans against me and deepens the kiss, moving his hands down to both ass cheeks and groping them, then lifting me up along with him as he stands. I wrap my legs around his waist immediately, like second nature. They belong there.
He shows his strength as he holds me at the same time as he quickly shoves the chair out of the way. With his right hand he moves my laptop away from the edge, then sits me on top of the black wooden desk.
“I’ve been waiting for a long time, baby,” He whispers, desire written in his mesmerizing eyes.
Hearing him speak like that makes heat blossom inside me and I moan as he cups my chin, returning his lips to mine. Kissing me like he is a starved man.