Page 10 of Bread in The Oven
Chapter Six
There’s so many people to meet when we get to the property. The one person that’s always near me is Romano. No matter where I am, I can feel him nearby or watching me. And it doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable, I feel like I need to be near him too. But then that little voice of doubt creeps in saying why would he want me?
I’ve been talking to Luciana Bastianini, Caitríona’s youngest daughter. She’s married to a guy named Rónán, who’s almost as big as Romano. They have an adorable son, Grayson, who’s a year old. And I’ve seen a few women walking around that she calls ‘bunnies.’ I’m not exactly sure what that means, but they don’t seem to be family or to be with any of the men here. I saw one of them go over to Romano and touch his arm, then whisper in his ear. He shook his head ‘no' and she didn’t look very happy. I watched him walk away from her and that made me smile. I don’t know why, but when she touched him, it made me angry.
“Does Romano have a girlfriend?” I ask Luciana.
“Nope. He’s been with us for a year now and he’s never been serious about anyone.”
“Do you mean he’s been with these women? Like more than one?”
That thought makes me angrier than watching that bunny touch his arm. Luciana looks at me.
“No, I meant that he hasn’t had anyone here at all. I don’t think he’s even touched any of the bunnies here. Do you like him?”
“I-I’ve never had a boyfriend. I had a boy friend and one day he asked me out. My father heard him and got really angry. After that, Bryce never spoke to me again. And what exactly is a ‘bunny’?”
I thought I would see pity in Luciana’s eyes. Instead I see anger.
“First of all, your parents are assholes. I’m so sorry they treated you and Lucy the way they did. I can’t even imagine what that was like for you. And well, a ‘bunny’ is a woman that hangs around our club and is willing to sleep with club members.”
“Wow. And the bunnies don’t mind doing that? Why would they do that willingly? As for my parents? We got away. That’s what’s helping me now, knowing they can’t hurt me or Lucy now. But I do worry that they’ll find us.”
“You don’t need to worry about that. If they come to Lake Renegade and try to cause problems? They’re not going to like what they find. We take care of each other here. Oh and the women? They’re hoping one of the patched members will want them as their ‘old lady.’ The one they choose to be with. And no. I’m not an ‘old lady.’” She chuckles.
I laugh. “I guess I’ll need to learn all these terms.”
She nods. “You will, club life isn’t for everyone. And it’s okay if you don’t want to be with the club, we are family in the club and outside of it.”
I smile. If Romano is part of the club, that’s what I want. I don’t want to follow him around like a little lost puppy. I want him, and I want him to want me.
“And yes, I think Romano likes you too.” She nudges me.
“Why do you think I like him?” I ask, trying to put on my most innocent look.
Luciana laughs. “Because you haven’t taken your eyes off him. And I saw you when Chelsea touched him.”
So the bunny has a name. Chelsea. Ugh. She can’t have him.
“You think he would really be interested in me? What if I can’t give him what he wants?”
“What do you mean? I’ve learned a few things about Romano. One? He’s loyal as any of us, he will protect you—and us—with everything he has. Two? If you’re thinking because you’ve never been in a relationship that he would think less of you? No way. Not Romano. I think if you’re the one for him, he’ll treat you like a queen.”
“Thank you, Luciana.” I smile more. Maybe I really could be with Romano.
I look around for Lucy and see her playing with Saoirse and Maddie. They’re feeding the otters, and it’s the most adorable thing I’ve seen in a while. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lucy smile and laugh so much. It makes my heart so happy to see her having fun.
“Are you doing okay?”
I whip my head around and face Romano. “I am. I was just watching Lucy. I’ve never seen her so happy before.”
“I hope that you’ll see her like this from now on,” he says. His hand brushes mine and I look down at it. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”
Somehow I know this deep in my soul. I may not have any experience, but I know how I feel about him. And I know hewould never intentionally hurt me. I look up into his eyes and nod.
“I know you won’t. I don’t know how I know, but I feel it in here.” I put my hand over my heart.