Page 14 of Bread in The Oven
“I’m glad you’re happy. You know that Amara wouldn’t want you to be alone forever, right?” he says, taking the two stepsbetween us and giving me a hug. “I hope it’s okay—Caitríona told me about your family. She was afraid you might be upset because she said she wouldn’t tell anyone.”
“Thanks, it’s okay. I know you two have no secrets. Amara and I were like that. And I’m beginning to get that feeling too. At first I thought I had my one-and-only chance. I never thought I’d get a second one.”
“Good people deserve all the chances in the world.” He smiles, hugging me one more time, then heads towards Caitríona.
I don’t know if I’m a good person, but I do hope that I deserve someone like Simone. She’s so damn beautiful, but so innocent. I don’t want to hurt her. Time to find Franco for the phone..
“Hey Franco, I need two cell phones. They’re for Simone and Lucy.”
“Sure. Give me a minute to get them set up. Did you want me to put any numbers in them?”
“Yeah, can we put the women’s numbers and mine in both? That way if they need anything, they can call any of us.”
“Sure thing.” He starts clicking away at his computer. “So…you look happy out there with the new girl, Simone.”
“For fucks sake, not you too.” I sigh.
Franco laughs as he keeps clicking his keyboard. “We’re just happy for you.”
“Thank you. It means a lot to have everyone’s support with this.”
“You’re family. We got each other’s backs.”
“I made the right decision when I asked to transfer here. You’ve all made everything better for me.”
Franco smiles and finishes up what he’s doing.
“Okay, I programmed the phones and activated them on the family plan. So they don’t have to worry about anything. And if they have any issues, tell them to come to me.”
I nod. “Thanks again, Franco.”
“Not a problem. Drive safe.”
I park the car in the Hideaway lot and get out to open the doors for Simone and Lucy.
“Can you come up with us and wait while I talk to Lucy?” Simone asks.
“Of course. If she says yes, do you want to go back with me tonight?”
“I do. And I think she’ll say yes.” She smiles up at me.
I lean down and kiss her, and we hear Lucy giggle.
“You two are cute.” She smiles at us.
“Thank you.” I chuckle. “Let’s get upstairs and out of the cold.”
We all walk upstairs to their room.
“I’ll wait here while you talk to Lucy,” I say to Simone.
She takes Lucy to the bedroom and I turn the TV on to give them some privacy.
“Is something wrong?” Lucy asks me as we go into her room.
“No, nothing’s wrong. But I do have something I want to talk to you about. And it’s a big thing. Caitríona has offered us a home on their property. She says it’s a two bedroom, two bath cottage. And that they will help you get your diploma.”