Page 5 of Bread in The Oven
I laugh. “I did see them, their bikes are so loud.”
I show her the goodies I brought and we share both of them.
“I start working at the bakery at three am. The owner is the one that hired me. Her name is Rosaura Mancini.”
Lucy shrieks, “That’s so awesome, Simone! I knew this place was going to be perfect.”
“I still want to figure out how you can finish high school. Maybe we can see about you taking your GED. Or maybe we canenroll you in the high school here. We could say we don’t have any documents because it got lost or burned in a fire? I don’t know. But I know I want you to finish.”
I do have our birth certificates, but I don’t know if they can track us with that. We decided to tell everyone that our parents died and I’m the legal guardian of her. But I’m pretty sure I need legal papers for that. All I can do is say that those papers are coming. That it just happened.
“I know and I want to finish too. But I don’t want them to find us either.”
I sigh. That’s the biggest obstacle to all of this. I’m hoping that I can ask Rosaura if she can pay me in cash. I learned about some things from when our parents let us watch TV. It wasn’t often, but there were some shows we got to watch. I don’t remember which one it was, but I do remember seeing that. Being paid in cash means your name isn’t on any paperwork.
Maybe one day we’ll be able to tell someone about what happened to us. I also still hope we can find Thomas and Robin.
Some days, my club brothers head into town and get some of the best pastries in Illinois. The bakery is owned by the Mancini and Bastianini wives. Today while we were headed to the bakery, I saw a woman who made my head turn. That hasn’t happened since Amara and I never expected to look at another woman again. But watching her walk across the street in front of us? Damn. I want to know who she is and where she’s from.
“You okay, Fantasma?” My VP, Celestino ‘Giustizia’ Bastianini, asks.
“Yeah, all good. Need pastries.” I chuckle.
“Mam said they made that strawberry shortcake you love.”
“Your mam is the best.” I smile, taking a quick look for the beauty I saw. I spot her going into the Lakeside Hideaway. I make a mental note to go over there after I get my strawberry shortcake.
“Hi Rosaura,” Celestino says.
“Hey, guys.” She smiles as she hands me my shortcake and a donut for Celestino.
Caitríona comes out from the back and comes over to give us a hug.
“Did you see that pretty girl that just left the bakery?” she asks as she sits with us.
“Who was she?” Celestino asks.
“Stop talking with food in your mouth.” His mam frowns at him.
Celestino grins at her. “Sorry, Mam.”
“We just hired her, she said her name was Simone. And she seemed like she was running from something. I need your brother to look into her. Just to be safe.”
Francesco takes care of our security and is the one we go to for anything tech related. Celestino gets his phone out and texts his twin.
“He said he’s on it,” Celestino says.
“Thank you, son.” She smiles and kisses his forehead.
Celestino grins at his mam, you can see the love they have for each other. All the kids have respect and love for their parents. Even the little ones have it, there’s not a lot of back talk or sassing in any of the families. I see a lot of kids doing the opposite when we’re out. I don’t know how those parents deal with kids who talk back or sass them. Hell, even now if I talked to my parents that way? My mother wouldn’t hesitate to smack me.
While we’re eating our pastries, Caitríona tells us her feelings about Simone. She thinks she’s not only running, but that there’smore to what she’s going through. Rosaura didn’t want to ask her too many questions yet. She didn’t want to scare her off.
If Simone is running from something, I’m glad she landed in Lake Renegade. We will all make sure she’s taken care of. And if we find out someones hurt her, well I’m going to have a serious talk with whoever did it.
Chapter Four