Page 49 of The Artist's Muse
Instead of going up to their studio, they ran up to their room, changed clothes, and called for lunch. “I think we should eat out on the balcony, and then spend the rest of the day painting. Well, until we have to go down for supper. The entire royal family of Allenia will be here this evening.”
She sighed. “I will smile and pretend it’s exactly where I want to be.”
“You’re a good wife, Nicole.” He kissed her quickly before calling for their lunch. It was going to be a long, productive day.
Theodore stood before an easel, his hand moving with gentle precision as he added strokes to a canvas that captured the very essence of harmony. Nicole admired his work from a few paces away.
“Your talent never ceases to amaze me,” Nicole said.
Theodore glanced at her. “It’s a pale reflection of the beauty you’ve brought into my life,” he replied.
“I have some news,” she said softly, holding something behind her back.
He turned to her, giving her his full attention. “And that is?”
“Well, I wanted to make this big production of showing you, but I just can’t wait long enough to set it up just right.” She pulled a piece of plastic from behind her back.
“And what is this?” he asked, staring down at the thing.
“This is a positive pregnancy test.” She grinned at him. “The other twelve positive tests are in our bathroom trash. I had to be sure before I told you.”
He chuckled. “Thirteen tests? Do you think that’s enough to give us a modicum of certainty?”
“I sure hope so. If not, I see the doctor tomorrow.” Nicole loved the idea of being treated by the same doctor who had delivered him and treated his father for his heart attack.
“I’m sure Amanda and James will be thrilled to have a cousin for their little blessing. I want to learn the gender of ours, though. I don’t care if we announce it to the whole world or just know it for ourselves.”
Nicole nodded. “Yes, I want to know as well. I’m impressed that James and Amanda seem to be able to wait without losing their minds.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly. “I think we should name him Nicholas if he’s a boy, and Theodora if it’s a girl.”
“Theodora?” she asked, wrinkling her nose. “I suppose we could call her Dora.”
“Perfect. She’ll be our exploration into the art of parenting.”
“That’s an art we need to get right.”
“That we do.”