Page 1 of Saving Mallory
Chapter 1
Mallory smiled to herself as she plugged in her cell phone. She had met the most amazing man who got her as a person. Someone who didn't think her tendency to try new things that some would call kinky was odd. He liked them too. Monroe was kind, sincere, and funny in a dry, droll sort of way and wasn't that nice? He didn't expect her to see things like him, or laugh at his attempts to be funny, or try to lower her self-esteem because she intimidated him.
Men were strange creatures, often mightily threatened by her professional status and education once they saw those letters, Ph.D., after her name. Once she explained their meaning, that is. Sure, plenty of men had good jobs that paid more than hers, but it made her a bitch or cold when a woman did. Mallory had experienced her share of men who tried to overcompensate or present themselves as the type of man they thought a professional, like her, would want. None hit the mark until Monroe Merton. He was the real deal.
And, according to him, he definitely lived the dominant lifestyle when he had a submissive.
Monroe took a breath and admitted, "I haven't had a submissive in a good while."
"Oh, why is that?"
Mallory watched him as he rolled his shoulders in his soft cable-knit sweater in a warm cream color over black cargo pants. He seemed very comfortable, and she could imagine him with a pipe in his mouth in the evenings. The ambiance was there, but he probably didn't smoke because he seemed very healthy. His muscular bulk stretched the sweater in delicious ways. His hair was close-cut like the military, and his graying beard and mustache were immaculate. What would it be like to be his submissive? His girlfriend? His wife?
"Honestly? I was too busy with work and having a good time being single, so topping a beautiful, willing woman was all I had time or desire for until recently."
"What changed?"
"Me. I saw three of my closest buddies find women to settle down with, and they're happy." He shrugged as he turned to look into Mallory's eyes. "I want more than a simple bottom or a Dom/sub relationship now. I'm ready to find the woman I connect with and who is interested in pursuing what could be a permanent relationship."
"I see." She had come for that exact reason, but hearing it vocalized was kinda scary and yet exciting.
"I'm ready to settle down and get a couple of kids before I'm too old to raise them."
He offered her a seat and sat beside her. Close, so close his hard thighs pushed against her too soft ones. She should get in a bit of exercise more often. She could listen to his deep, velvety voice all night. Monroe said he didn't see the dominant/submissive players with a capital "D" little "s" demeaning kind of way, but an empowering, "you are important to me" kind of way.
Monroe had proven to be a good person to explore with. He’d asked if she minded him sticking close to help her understand what she was seeing and hearing. She must have seemed relieved because he slid his hand to the small of her back and took on the job.
They continued to talk for a while longer before Monroe offered to top her or, more accurately, to play out a brief scene. Mallory hesitated. She had enjoyed the leisurely atmosphere of the munch, but do a scene with him? Even a short one might be out of her comfort zone. As though he understood her reticence, Monroe began talking about what he was looking for in a partner.
"I used to think that I would end up with a wild woman who was tame during the day and untamable at night, but I've since come to learn that a woman with a good head on her shoulders that isn't too risky but could take a chance with me by her side is the way to go."
Wise man. He was giving her a way out if she wanted it, but if she was game, he was also saying he thought she might be someone he could explore the forever factor with. He had been clear that was all he was looking for. Bold actions for a man who hadn't been ready until recently. Mallory decided Monroe was a man who didn't jump quickly, but he was all in when he did.
With her heart beating faster, her chest growing heavy with anticipation, Mallory nodded.
"I need to hear you, sweetheart, because I don't want to misinterpret. Besides, until I know you, I want to hear your words, and your sexy, throaty voice gets huskier when you’re aroused.”
"How did you know?"
He raised his brow and smiled. He was paying attention. "Is that a yes to the scene, Mallory?"
"Yes, please." Her face grew hotter, and her lady parts grew slicker. That telltale tingle and release told her she had grown very slippery.
She'd practically forced herself to go to the first munch or gathering several months ago, had started her on her own journey of exploration, and it was an eye-opening experience. Whatever finally pushed her to try this place tonight appeared to be fortuitous.
Typically, in her experience, munches didn’t have more than a brief sample scene, but many didn’t even have that. They were for meeting people. They held this meeting in a recently closed bank with offices, so the setup was good. Monroe closed the door after a brief conversation about triggers and a couple of play elements that would be unacceptable for her.
Monroe was not overbearing, and his manner didn't change once they were alone, which Mallory had experienced with others. He worked calmly, with confidence and authority, smoothing her frazzled nerves with his magic fingers kneading her tight muscles in her neck. "Mm, that feels so nice, but usually my top wants more from me than moans of appreciation," Mallory said as she kept her eyes closed to continue enjoying his large, warm hands.
"They missed out on learning what you like firsthand. Submissives sometimes think they know what they enjoy and are often right, but they limit themselves to the familiar. I don't want to miss anything. I can tell when you tense, like right now, that either me playing with your breasts is physically uncomfortable or just new so because I know you've had your breast played with before. Which is it? Painful or uneasy because we are new? This way, I learn by doing so yes, once I know you, I'll want more, but for now, allow me to explore."
“Actually, I’m worried I’ll like it too much and…,” Mallory shrugged.
“And we won’t continue after tonight? Oh, sweetheart, I doubt that would happen. So take a chance. I’m sure neither of us will regret it.”
“Okay, I’ll try, sir.”
“Good girl. We’ll play for no longer than thirty minutes this first time. That way, you can know if we do well together or if you aren’t interested in going further next time.”