Page 18 of Saving Mallory
Mallory leaned over to Garrett and whispered. He spoke aloud to Monroe. “Mallory has something to say.” All eyes were on Mallory, and she grimaced at Garrett and then Monroe.
“Just say it, honey,” said no-help Monroe.
“Um, well, I need to get some of my things. My clothes and everyday stuff.”
Monroe shook his head. “Not happening. The girls can go into your place and grab what you need, but under no circumstances are you going anywhere that others can identify you. Not for a while.”
“I don’t see why not. I can do it myself. It will be so much easier than trying to describe things to others. I will remember things I need as I walk through the house. Besides, I have plants that are likely dead by now.”
“I saved your plants. I grabbed them yesterday,” said Ivy. “I took them home. When you’re ready for them, I’ll deliver them.”
“Oh, that was kind of you. Thanks.”
Kaden grabbed his wife’s hand. “You what?”
“I grabbed her plants. I didn’t know what to grab for her, but when I saw the poor babies wilting, and I knew it might be a while before Mallory returned, I grabbed them. A person was waiting in their car for someone, and he stared at me like I had done something wrong. I told him I bought them from my sister’s friend when he asked. But when the man asked the friend’s name, I gave him a disgusted look and said he didn’t act like he lived there. I said I should probably call security. He left the parking lot.”
Monroe asked, “How did you get in past the gate?”
“Um, I drove through it because the lock wasn’t engaged.”
Jessie added, “It wasn’t the first time either.” Becky nodded her agreement.
Mallory added, “That’s true more times than management will admit.”
Kaden was not happy, and it was the first time Mallory had seen him even come close to getting upset. “What the hell, Ivy? Have you learned nothing from your recent adventures?”
“I learned not to take anyone with me and to do it myself. That way, no one is in danger.”
“Besides my wife, you mean?”
Ivy seemed a little lost, and Mallory watched as Kaden stood and walked out of the room, shuffling Ivy along with him. There were a few heated words, then five flat-handed swats on a jeans-covered ass were easily discernable, then a few more words. No one seemed disturbed.
“I thought you said it was a private thing,” whispered Mallory to Monroe, who had moved closer.
Monroe grinned. “Except spanking. It can be public among us. That happens wherever it needs to.”
“Oh. I’m not so sure about that. I have a reputation that public chastisement won’t be good for.”
“And you won’t lose it. They will come back and be fine. Watch. No one will mention it.”
When the couple returned from their meeting in the other room, Ivy seemed a little pouty, but none the worse for the swats. Kaden seemed relaxed and not irritated at all. They sat down again, and Kaden drew Ivy close, kissing the top of her head and pulling her back into him.
“Now, where was I?” asked Monroe. “Oh yes. Mallory, you will not go to your place, especially if it isn’t secure at all times. In fact, we are going to have to discuss that issue later.”
Jac stood. “And that goes for all of you, ladies. Understood?” He made eye contact with every woman in the room and waited until they all agreed before he sat down again.
Monroe nodded. “Now, moving on.”
“But you never answered my question,” said Mallory.
“Make me a list of what you need, and I’ll take one of the guys.”
“I’ll figure it out,” said Mallory.
“I’ll go with the guys, so there is a woman there. I’ll take my phone, and we’ll video chat as I walk through your place so you can see what I see, and if you remember something not on the list, I can grab it.”
Mallory smiled her relief. “Thank you, but won’t you get in trouble?”