Page 24 of Saving Mallory
“Did you understand me about covering?”
“Yes, I understand. Sorry, sir.”
“Good girl. Now, if there is anything that I ever do that upsets you, I had better hear that word. Or once we work through the problem, your ass is going to be a red mess when I get done with it. This is all just sexy fun, but being your Dom means more than that. It extends past the bedroom doors and into our everyday lives. I’m not over the top, but I’m certainly not docile about it.”
“Okay, sir, I understand, but you don’t have to, you know…”
“Taste you?” She gave him a slight nod. “You’re right. I don’t have to, but why would I deny my own pleasure while giving you yours? I can’t wait to taste you. So, are you ready for my remedy to sleep soundly?”
She wiggled in anticipation. “Yes, sir.”
He opened her channel with his tongue. He held her open with his fingers and set about charging into her molten area of need. Licking and sucking on her, stabbing her deep, hot entrance with his tongue as he played with her breasts, his sounds of enjoyment seemed to excite her. He could feel his own cock stiffening more, and the tweak of pain surrounding that hardness was incredible.
She wiggled and then cried out as he bounced his hand off her outer thigh. “No moving, sweetness.”
He spanked her other thigh. “Do I need to stop and give you a spanking so you will do as you’re told?”
“But… what if I can’t?” her concern made him smile.
His reply was matter of fact. “You can, or there will be consequences, baby.”
Going back to his teasing and tasting, his sweetheart kept as still as he knew she was able. She strained to hold back her gratification, but it was time for her to go back to sleep. Monroe rubbed the side of her clit, and then, just as she arched and stiffened, he pinched it and watched her explode in blazing glory.
Monroe observed her closely as he kept steady pressure on her clit and two fingers in her depths, drifting along the walls as they, like Mallory, undulated, writhing in ecstasy. He’d never seen anything so beautiful in his life and certainly never in his bed to sleep. As she released the final vestiges of her climax, he rubbed his face on her sheet, drew her close, and listened to her soft snore a few minutes later.
Minewas all Monroe could think of. Mallory was all his, and he would slay all her dragons and annihilate all her enemies to wipe away all her fears. He breathed in her slight floral scent and her muskiness still on his face and smiled. Time to take care of business, starting with finding out all about the man that dared take his woman and find any of his accomplices.
Jeanne looked at the place she had called home for over fifteen years. She had been the first woman that Master had ever brought home. She had learned a lot about him over the years, and while she had hated him at first for stealing her away from all she loved, she had learned to love him in an odd, desperate way. Even more, she learned to crave him and his way with women.
He demanded that Jeanne call him Master, but when he had tried to join a group of others he said were like-minded, he was almost immediately ousted because of his enthusiasm. He said they were all just amateurs and not really masters like he was, so he had left. At first, she had her doubts, especially in the beginning, when she didn’t long for his cruel touch. That was a long time ago, but it marked the time when her master changed.
Three years after Jeanne’s abduction, another woman showed up. Master had laughed when she had begged him to let her go. Margo was her name. But he’d said he needed more than just Jeanne. Then when Margo had mysteriously disappeared, another woman immediately took her place, and so it had gone on until last week when he brought home the pharmacist, Mallory.
He had been so happy and would have had her to play with, but his job called him away for the week. The captive had run when someone drove into the driveway after she tossed down more water for Mallory. She’d assumed the other woman had died by now. Master had been very clear that Jeanne must ensure that Mallory was alive when he arrived home on Friday evening.
Jeanne could see that the car had stopped at the wrong place and watched it back out of the drive. Good. She went back into the house and didn’t recheck the cellar until the following day. When she called out, she didn’t get an answer from anyone. She hadn’t gotten one the other two times, but this was odd, and she hadn’t locked the door. No one had escaped before, and she felt positive this Mallory’s fear would stop her from trying as well.
But she had been wrong, and now, the police had torn up her house, taken her master, and found women buried on her property. All because of Mallory. Her master would never return. He would rot in jail forever, leaving her alone with no one to take care of her. Her life was ruined, all because of that pharmacist, Mallory. She would find her and make that demon woman pay for destroying her life.
Chapter 8
Mallory woke refreshed as the sun streamed into the bedroom window. During the night, she woke twice with two horrible dreams where her kidnapper had stolen her out from under Monroe’s protection. Still, after the second nightmare, Monroe had made her relaxed and tired with his incredible fingers and tongue. She’d been like a limp rag and had slept in his arms until he left the bed sometime this morning.
She showered and walked into the kitchen to coffee and the man she had glimpsed last night in the kitchen, now making a scrumptious scramble for breakfast. Monroe and Jac looked up as she grabbed a cup and poured coffee.
“Hello, sweetheart. Did you get enough sleep?” Monroe stood and dropped a kiss on her lips. That he did it in front of Jac didn’t bother her. Monroe was changing her already.
“I did, thank you. How about you?”
“I watched you sleep for a few minutes, then I was out like a light.”
Jac reached for the plate the chef was handing him. “Sex will do that to you.”
“You should know,” said Sharlee as she waltzed in, holding Storm with Finley right behind her.