Page 28 of Saving Mallory
“I don’t want anyone arrested because of me,” Mallory said decisively, drawing a smile from Monroe.
Carter strolled in and dropped some papers on Sharlee’s computer desk. “Nope, Jac would beat our asses. I like to be the one doing the beating.”
Monroe laughed and agreed. “Baby, we know what we’re doing, and we are careful. Jac, when do you expect to get the information on Romaine back?”
“I imagine they will hold their information for when they get Mallory’s interview, a kind of quid pro quo. I’d like to have the information that Mallory will give them before they get it if you know what I mean.”
“But if they do all the work, then you don’t have to,” said Mallory.
“No, they miss things, and we would still have to do the work, but then we’d be behind them.” Jac sat next to Sharlee. “If we can show them that we are steps ahead of them, their director will hire us to do part of the job. That will mean they will pay us for what we intend to do anyway, keep you safe, and make sure you only had one maniac after you. I expect a contract in the queue tomorrow morning.”
Sharlee spoke up. “Jac, you better see this.”
“What’s going on?” Jac leaned over to read the intel. “Damn.”
Monroe pulled Mallory over into his lap, and she didn’t protest. “What is it?”
Jac said, “Looks like our suspicions were correct. That asshole Romaine said that he had an accomplice.”
Monroe tightened his hold on Mallory. “That’s messed up as fuck. Now we have someone else to find. We have to have those CCTV recordings.”
“I’ll get to it in the morning. Right now, I’m tired and hungry. I have the recognition program running on certain people we have identified from the party you both attended together and the employees and the office personnel at the townhouse.”
“Thank you for doing all of this, Sharlee. I know it’s a lot to ask,” said Mallory.
“This isn’t hard. It just takes time and patience. One of which we have a finite amount of and the other, Monroe has not a trace of in this case,” said Sharlee.
Mallory joined Sharlee, laughing at Monroe’s expense. “Hey now, I have shown incredible restraint and superhuman patience because you don’t know what I’ve had to do to maintain instead of going into battle mode over this mess with you,” he said. The skin around his eyes crinkled in merriment.
Mallory continued to laugh as she stood. Monroe swatted her ass once, hard. She gave him a mock look of offense and a sexy grin before leaving the room. Everyone agreed to leave the work until morning. After a subdued dinner, Monroe stood to follow Mallory upstairs. Jac stopped Monroe before he left.
“This means Mallory can’t go home or even to your house. One of the safe houses is an option, but this is the best choice right now.”
“Agreed. I’ll break it to her. If you hear a ruckus, just ignore it. I have a feeling I’ll get some push back.”
“She may surprise you.”
“She may indeed. Goodnight, Jac.”
Monroe watched Mallory as she stood in front of his bedroom door. “Problem, baby?”
She sighed. “I’m not sure I’m ready for a full-on relationship. I want it, but…”
“I hate to burst your control bubble, but you are already all-in with me, and just because we aren’t having intercourse yet, doesn’t mean we aren’t in a completely committed relationship. Unless you need me to convince you further.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and she ignored him.
“Are you sure? I’m more broken than when you met me, and I don’t know when I’ll be mended enough to give you everything you deserve.” Her eyes beseeched him to reassure her, and yet her deflated stance told him she had already answered her own question, but not with the answer he would give.
His arm wrapped around her, and his finger lifted her chin. “You are mine. You are everything I want in a woman and a life partner. When you’re ready, I’m going to ask you to be my wife.” Mallory shook her head. “When you’re ready. Until then, I’m going to plug and spank your ass, kiss you breathless, taste your sweetness and bring you off so many times it will hurt to think about it. I’m going to bind you to my bed, then fuck your mouth, your sweet valley entrance, and your tight backside hole. I will deposit my essence in every place I can. And do you know why? Because you are mine. Questions?”
“One. Can I go to the bathroom first?”
Monroe smiled and shook his head in disbelief. “Good girl.” He turned her towards her bedroom. “Get your things and bring them in here. You are officially moving in.”
When Mallory had returned with her duffle full of clothes and items Becky and Ivy had gotten for her, she said, “I’m only staying here a few days. I intend to go home after that.”
Monroe grabbed her bag and stood it next to him. Then he sat and patted a spot beside him on the bed. When she had taken her place next to him, he grabbed her hands in his.