Page 54 of Saving Mallory
Soon they were off subject to a more socially acceptable conversation, and Mallory didn’t have to find a way to dodge the question, but there were many more awkward ones shot at her by all the ladies. Even Finley joined in the fun after Storm was asleep. Finley was a different kind of woman, open to a point, but it was obvious the woman had secrets.
“Monroe is so serious,” said Ivy. “It's intimidating.”
“Not as serious as my Mark,” said Jessie.
Ivy grinned in, “No one is as serious as your Mark.”
Everyone laughed, and Mallory assured them that Monroe might have rules he was adamant about, but he wasn’t serious when he was with her.
“He cracks jokes?” asked a confused Sharlee.
“No, but he isn’t serious. He is normal… you know, he pays attention to me. I guess his intensity shifts to me when he’s home.”
“I get that,” said Becky.
“Monroe was always trying to keep us in line with that rubber paddle until you came along. We knew he’d be Daddy material,” said Jessie. “Thank you.”
Mallory cocked her head. “He sure is bossy and has enough rules, but I don’t know about the Daddy bit.”
Was he the kind people meant when a man was demanding and hot as hell but would protect his woman with his life? Yes, he was the spank your ass then talk, kind of guy. Not a daddy dom, but a Daddy.
Not completely satisfied she had found a niche to put her man in, Mallory instinctively understood that he didn’t fit that mold entirely. He didn’t discipline out of sternness, although he sure was when he did. Monroe loved the play. Lucky for them both, she did as well. They didn’t do much role play, but sexy played nearly every time they got in bed. Not all-out sex, but teases raised the heat through sensuality.
The others nodded sagely. “He is definitely a daddy,” declared Ivy.
“Yep,” said Becky. “I think Carter is as well, but he is more of the nurturing kind.”
“Anyone can see it when he’s with you,” agreed Finley. “That wouldn’t be for me, but I can see it works for you two.”
“What about your men? Are they Daddy material?” asked Mallory.
And the conversation took off in a different direction, moving the spotlight from her and her relationship with Monroe to other, less uncomfortable areas of her life. Unfortunately, the group came around to her emotional situation many times throughout the weekend. While it made her wiggle in her proverbial chair to talk out her feelings and the way her life had taken unexpected turns, it was also a way to tease loose the knotted tangle of emotions she had been avoiding.
Avoidance was never her typical response to roadblocks, but it seemed relevant in all but her most personal, emotional side. There was avoidance all over in that department. The adage she had lived her life on,you have to put in the work to get what you wanted out of life, was proving true yet again. So she gritted her teeth and talked about what she wanted out of her relationship with a man, what she’d been missing, and how Monroe filled those needs. And he did. The women thought so, and more importantly, Mallory thought so.
Jessie settled back into the corner of the sofa and pulled up her legs. “So, when I was deciding if Mark was the man for me, I balked at his machismo in the beginning. I mean, what I thought was machismo, but I learned that Mark was actually trying to hold in his overwhelming need to wrap me in cotton and put me in a safe room forever. He had an overwhelming fear that what we had would vanish if he didn’t lock it down.”
Everyone murmured in understanding. Did Monroe feel that way? Is that why he was gritting his teeth more and starting and stopping sentences more often? Did he find his desire to protect what he considered his, causing him angst? Sleepless nights? Inattentive days? Because until she moved into his bed, that’s what she’d felt. Did she still think that? Maybe.
“See, I think all our guys have this tremendous need to find cotton wool to wrap their possessions, us, but they don’t because it isn’t practical,” said Ivy. “Or acceptable.”
Becky nodded. “In more than just the facetious way. I think that Carter tries to figure out how to do things that meet all my needs, and I’ve fallen into that mind trap until recently. I’ve wondered if all his needs are being fulfilled and if I could do something to better meet his desires and try to make sure we are also going in a direction we mutually want to go.”
Sharlee agreed. “Yes, and not just in a sexual gratification way or what do you want for breakfast. In more of a reach for your goals, kind of way. You know? I allow Jac to lead the way too often in my favor without making sure it’s what he wants.”
Mallory sat up straighter. “But how do you know? I mean, you have been with your guys a while. Monroe and I met less than two months ago. I don’t know him the way you know your men. What signs do you look for to know he might not be getting his own fulfillment?”
Jessie, who had been picking at her shirt while the others were speaking, suddenly looked up. “Mark has things I know he likes. Things like certain foods, and I eat them even if I’m not crazy about them myself but not allergic to them. I try to steer things his way, but he usually short-circuits my efforts. What I ended up doing was telling him how much it meant to me to be able to reciprocate. It has helped us grow closer.”
“Relationships are hard work,” said Ivy. “But it feels so good when you get through. And if you get a little angry sex in there,” she smiled, “it’s a win-win.”
Just thinking about angry sex lit Mallory’s fire and melted her core. She hadn’t ever had that with Monroe, but she had experienced a little irritation sex, but angry sex with Monroe would be explosive.
Sharlee added, “So much better than frustration sex because there is a desperation in that. The sex is still good, but it’s needy, not passionate.”
Finley had remained quiet in the relationship conversations. Mallory had the feeling she was measuring what they were saying to how she felt with possibly Ryker? Maybe Levi? Or was there someone else?
By the time the weekend was over, Mallory was panting for so many reasons to see Monroe. She tried to forget that they would have to drive through the gate with reporters camped out. Not many, she hoped. Especially since Romaine was going for his second bail hearing. She was more than ready for Monroe to get home and take over her protection detail.