Page 62 of Saving Mallory
“I’m fine. No one needs to check on me. I’ll leave around five today because I left at four yesterday.”
“Good girl. Don’t go off plan, and I’ll see you then.”
“Sounds good.”
It felt so good to be able to talk to Monroe about her dreams and her ideas. He didn’t shoot them down or explain why her pharmacy idea was faulty. He took her desires at face value, and Mallory was sure that she would have his support if she went that route. Having a life with him would be incredible, including having his children. The fact that she could think about the future meant maybe her therapist was right. She was moving on, slower than Mallory would have liked, but still. If she could make that happen, she would want it. She smiled so broadly her belly tingled. Mallory kept that glow that Monroe always gave her just when she needed it and went back to work.
Monroe and Carter head out to the site that Sharlee and Kaden are sure is a place that Romaine was using just prior to focusing his sights on his mother’s home. Evidently, if the information is correct and Monroe knows it is, Romaine lived with his mother but maintained a separate property listed in his brother’s name.
Sharlee pointed at what was presumably her screen while she talked to them over a secure chat line. “Looks like Romaine had a brother that was some years older than him. He died in a car accident four years ago, and from the Google Maps view, it looked occupied three years ago.”
“I thought Romaine lived at his mother’s house then,” said Carter.
She nodded. “Right, but like I said, someone was at least using this property three years ago. Sorry, there are no aerial views that I can locate. It’s a bit out of the way but still on the main road, so that is how I got any photo.”
“Did you check ownership and utilities?”
“Don’t insult me. Of course, I did. All still in Romaine’s brother’s name.”
“Right, so send us the coordinates, and we’ll check it out,” said Monroe. “Sharlee, can you have Garrett swing by the pharmacy and check on Mallory?”
“I can. Let me know what you guys find.”
“Will do.”
They had been driving for a little while. “Are you sure you put in the right coordinates?”
“Yep, but feel free to check yourself. Becky said you tend to micro-manage.”
“She did, did she? Well, measure twice, cut once.”
“Speaking of Becky, are you ever going to put a ring on that woman’s finger?”
Carter shrugged. “I have tried. I swear, but she simply doesn’t want to make a mistake.”
“Meaning she isn’t sure about you?”
“No, meaning she isn’t sure if she’s ready to commit. I’m not pushing her.” He shook his head for effect.
“You might work on that insecurity with her. I mean, you have been dating for what? Over two years?”
Carter sighed. “Yeah, I’m working on that with her. But if she isn’t ready, I’m not pushing her. When it’s right, it’s right. I want marriage, but not sure I’m ready for kids. She wants kids. Not sure she can commit if I’m not ready for the whole enchilada.”
“Sorry, man.” Monroe nodded to the right. “Hey, is that where we’re going, up ahead?”
“I’d say so. Stop before we get to it. This road is fairly deserted. We should do a little recon before we go marching into the property. I’ll get my gear, and let's see what we can discover,” said Carter.
As Monroe secured the vehicle, he was glad he left Garrett in town. He would get his paperwork done and check on Mallory. Something just felt off today. He’d call her when they were back on the road. But it was the middle of the afternoon, so there shouldn’t be any problems.
Garrett was just monitoring Mallory if she left the building for lunch and going home. They figured she was safe if she was leaving the house, but anyone could lurk in the shadows when she got off. Forcing his mind from Mallory, secure in the knowledge that Garrett was close to Mallory in case she needed help and to make sure she got home safely, Monroe concentrated on what he was there to do. Find evidence and the answers they were looking for.
As Carter and Monroe approached the small house on the property, it was obvious it wasn’t vacant. Monroe knew they could have rented it out to someone, but he didn’t believe that was the case. He figured someone that knew Romaine, someone that might have been willing to carry on in his footsteps, lived the house in.
“Sharlee, get Jac online. Your supposition that this property is still being used is correct. We’ll check it out. We need to know who is here now and what their relationship is with Romaine. The signal is dicey here. Text may work better. It’s silent and gets through even if the signal is weak.”
“Roger that. Say safe.”