Page 68 of Saving Mallory
“Will Ms. Saginaw, in your expert opinion, have a chance to return to her previous life?”
“To ask that question is to make this situation too trivial. There is no indication that Ms. Saginaw cannot return to some semblance of her former life, certainly, but do I believe it will happen? It is unlikely.”
“Do you believe she acted of her own volition to terrorize and kidnap intending to commit murder?”
“At this time, your honor, I am not comfortable making that statement. Did she do it? Yes, she readily admits that. Did she know what she was doing? Probably. Based on her life experiences and the state of her unbalanced mentality, did she feel that it was the only course of action she could take? Yes. It was the only course of action that was expected of her? Yes. Is she a danger to herself and others? Absolutely.”
“What are your recommendations, Dr. Cooley, as to the disposition of this defendant?”
“For the foreseeable future, I believe she is criminally insane, and only time will tell if she recovers enough to be considered safe, but I don’t believe we can hold her responsible for her choices from the day Craig Romaine kidnapped her as a teenager, over fourteen years ago.”
“Thank you, Dr. Cooley. You may step down,” said the judge. “Court is adjourned until tomorrow morning, where I will render my decision.” The gavel slammed down once, signaling it was time to go.
Monroe and Garrett ushered Mallory out the side door and into the waiting SUV driven by Carter. They shuffled her into the car, and Carter drove off quickly. Due to the smoked windows, it was impossible to see inside, and it allowed the group to leave before the reporters expected them out the front entrance.
“Is that it then?” asked Mallory.
“Yes. You aren’t required in court tomorrow. Your testimony finished your part of this mess. It’s over.” Monroe rubbed her neck and pulled her in as close as the seat belt would allow.
“I can’t say I’m sad that I won’t have to repeat that horrible story again.” Mallory snuggled in close. His shirt that she was all but sharing muffled her voice. “I can’t believe that because of being rejected at a club, wonderful insight on their part, by the way, it started the ball rolling on so many deaths.”
Monroe responded thoughtfully. “The mind is something so complicated that one seemingly insignificant event can trigger a person to be taken so out of their reality that a new reality is created. That’s what happened here. Romaine thought himself to be misjudged, and when he lost his girlfriend, that seemed to be wrapped up in his anger and all twisted together. We have dead tortured women and one woman who is just as demented as he is.”
Carter glanced in the rearview mirror before going back to watching the road. “I’m done with this whole thing. I need to get back to normal. Well, after we have our debriefing later this afternoon. Think you are up to some lunch and one last review of things, Mallory?”
“No, but I’ll do it because you guys saved me.”
Garrett shook his head. “Sharlee’s program did, in reality, but I think we all worked it well.”
“I’m not going back to work at the Apothecary,” Mallory said to no one in particular.
“Thank fuck. I didn’t know how to tell you that you weren’t going back. I already had your personal items removed.”
Mallory sat up straight. “You did what? Without talking to me? I might have wanted to go back, and it is my decision, anyway.”
“It is your decision, and you made it. It was just the one that I would have demanded, so we are on the same page. That’s a good thing, Mal.” He leaned in to kiss her, and she turned her head.
“It isn’t the same thing. It was my decision, and I should have made it. I would probably have asked you to go get my things for me, so I didn’t have to return there, but it’s within my control if I say it. I don’t tell you to stop doing PT every morning because you wake me up when you get up and then change your schedule to evening. You might have thought to do that but would not have appreciated me doing it for you.”
“But baby, it’s the same thing in the end.”
“But it isn’t the same road to get there.”
“And that matters?”
“Of course it matters.”
Monroe pulled her back to lie on his chest, and he kissed her hair. “I’m sorry. I guess I thought I was taking care of you and was glad you didn’t protest.”
“You were taking care of me, and I appreciate it, but it matters how we get to a decision. You have to ask me first.”
“Duly noted. I apologize.”
“Thank you.”
“It'll take another thirty minutes to get to Sharlee and Jac’s, so let’s just breathe.”
“Mmm, free air.”