Page 10 of Maid for Daddy
Stephen shakes his head. “She’ll meet you in the freezer.”
“Yeah, I should go and help her,” I whisper, mildly surprised I can still form words.
“You’ll go when I say so.”
He lifts me off my feet, pinning me against the wall. His hands travel the length of my body, stroking, squeezing, and making me feel like I want to tear off my clothes and beg him to take me. He rubs his cock against me, igniting a flame between my legs that burns all the way to my head. I’m woozy. I think they call it love drunk.
I feel a sense of utter anguish when he finally releases me. I don’t want him to stop. As frightened and inexperienced as I am, I want him to have his way with me.
He rests his hand on my cheek and stares into my eyes. I can’t move. I can’t even blink. It’s like he’s cast a spell on me and I don't want it to be broken. Then, the corner of his mouth lifts. It’s dangerous, lustful, and exactly the way I want him to look at me.
Without a word, he leaves the room, closing the door behind him, and I’m grateful to have a moment to compose myself. My legs are shaking so badly that I don’t think I can take a step without falling over.
Reality smacks me like a cold wind against my face. Stephen Stockton, the man of the house and who my father sold me to, just kissed me. This handsome, wealthy, sophisticated man wants me. It feels too good to be true and I’m scared that it’s all just a horrible trick at my expense.
Calmer on the outside, at least, I return to the kitchen and begin helping Sherry haul the meat to the deep freezer. I see Stephen out the kitchen window having another word with the boys from the butcher shop. I can’t hear them but I can tell by the looks on the boys’ faces that Stephen is ripping into them hard.
The boy, Shane, tries to walk away but Stephen grabs him by the shoulder and shoves him into the side of the delivery truck. He steps in close, points in the boy’s face, and grabs him by his throat. My legs begin to shake again and I find myself incapable of moving away from the window. Shane throws up his hand, nodding his head wildly, and Stephen lets him go. White as a sheet, Shane rushes to the passenger side of the truck and jumps inside.
Stephen waits for the pair to depart the driveway before coming back to the kitchen. He seems surprised to see me, and I’m sure the look on my face makes things a bit uncomfortable for him. I’m terrified, but not of him. He said that I didn’t do anything wrong, but if I wasn’t here, he wouldn’t have lost his temper with those boys.
What if he decides to just send me away so he doesn’t have to worry about it happening again? These terrible thoughts run through me like ice in my veins, but even ice can’t extinguish the fire that Stephen just lit inside me.
“They don’t come back here. Make sure the butcher knows,” he tells Sherry.
“Yes, sir. I’ll call him right away.”
Stephen nods and retreats to his office.
I look at Sherry as she wipes her hands on a dish towel.
“He must really like you. I haven’t seen him get that upset in a very long time,” she tells me.
The day winds down and I’ve seen no sign of Stephen anywhere. He must have left the manor to take care of business in town. Spending half a day in the deep freezer with Sherry has left a chill in my bones, and I warm myself in a long, hot shower. It’s something I’m not used to. Back home, the pipes clanked so loudly as the shower head spit lukewarm water on my head. It was a race to wash my hair before the hot water ran out. Here, I could stay in the shower for days.
As I dry myself off, I consider just staying in for the night. If Stephen wants to continue where we left off, I’m sure he’ll come and find me. I hope he will. My need for reassurance is almost as strong as my desire for him.
I flop down in the chair beside the window overlooking the gardens and realize that I have too much nervous energy to sit still for long. I tap my foot and ponder what might happen the next time Stephen and I are face to face. Why does my mind always jump to the worst-case scenario? Why won’t I let myself believe that things could work out between us? I huff and get up to find my shoes. Maybe a walk to the stables will clear my head.
I make my way past the giant topiary and follow the path through the meadow just as Stephen and I had the day before. The sun is setting, and all of the horses are inside for the night. I open the corral and step inside, where I’m greeted with snorts from the silken-haired mare. Feeling around, I find the light switch and illuminate the stalls that smell of fresh hay and crisp evening air. Someone takes great care to maintain this barn, and it pleases me to know that Stephen takes the comfort of these animals so seriously.
I’m so occupied with stroking the mare’s face that I don’t hear the footsteps behind me until Stephen is right behind me. He places his hand on my shoulder, and I nearly jump out of my skin.
“You scared me,” I gasp and try to regain my composure.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“I looked for you too.”
“I was in town running some errands but I brought you these.” He holds out a lovely bouquet.
I take them and immediately bury my nose in them. No one has ever given me flowers before. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”
“I got you something else too.” He pulls out a small blue box from his jacket pocket and opens it, showing me the gold bracelet inside. A single heart-shaped charm dangles from a link on the chain.
“Stephen, it’s very pretty, but you didn’t have to do that. Why would you give me something like this?”
“I saw it in town, and it reminded me of you. Consider it an apology for losing my temper today. I made you uncomfortable and maybe even a little scared. I don’t want that, little girl. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Not even me.”