Page 23 of Maid for Daddy
“You are to me.”
She leans her head on my chest, and I wrap my arms around her. It’s becoming a habit I never want to break. The streets are unusually quiet, so I decide to take a risk. I lift Samantha onto the bridge railing and reach under her dress.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna fuck you right here in the middle of the street.”
“Are you serious?”
Her eyes go unfocused when I slip my hand and touch her already dripping pussy. “Fuck, baby. You’re already wet.”
“Only for you, Daddy.”
I slide my cock inside her, hissing at how wet she is, and she clutches my neck. “Hold on to me. I don’t want to fall.”
“I won’t ever let you go, baby girl. Daddy’s got you.” I thrust into her and grit my teeth, feeling way too close to coming. Not yet. Not fucking yet.
I pull her against me, sinking my cock deep inside her. Her body trembles as a line of three cars pass by.
“They can’t see anything. Relax, baby girl.”
The sounds of the river combined with the faint swell of bagpipes swim in our heads as desire and lust strip away her inhibitions. She bites down on her lower lip to stifle her cries. More cars pass but I’m not stopping. I can’t stop. I need to feel her muscles tighten when I get her off. I need to feel the relief in my groin when I empty my load in her.
Caught up in the euphoria that only dangerous behavior brings, I grab her arms and lean her over the rail. I scan her face for any signs of fear. I find nothing but her complete trust in me. She knows I won’t let her fall, and she closes her eyes, putting all of her faith in me.
The familiar tingling begins, and I pull her back into my arms, bouncing her on my cock until we both come at the same time.
Intoxicated by more than just the wine, she dangles her panties on her little finger as we walk back to the car. There’s a lilt in her step that wasn’t there before.
“You like a little danger, huh?” I ask, squeezing her hand.
“I would never even think of doing something like that. I can’t believe I did it at all.”
“Then why do you look so happy?”
“Because I did it with you.”
The guard isn’t at the gate when we arrive back at Stockton Manor. Stephen puts the car in park and peers through the windshield.
Something shifts in him, and he lowers his voice. “I don’t want to scare you, but I need the gun from the glove box.”
“Gun? What’s going on?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Why would anyone who lives in a place like this carry a gun in their car?
“Listen to me, it’s just a precaution. The guard probably got sick and his replacement is running late. The thing is, I told you about my father and brother. They made more enemies than friends when they were in charge of the family business, and my brother is home now. I can’t take any chances”
“You think someone came here looking for him? Are we in danger?”
“I don’t think anything. It’s probably nothing, but I need to be sure. I want you to stay in the car. I’ll leave the engine running. If you hear gunfire or see anything else that seems dangerous, you drive away. Go back to Nashua and stay there. I’ll come and find you.”
“Maybe we should both just drive away. Why would you go inside if it might be dangerous?”
“This is my house, and he’s my brother. I can’t, I won’t run away if there’s even a slight chance that something is wrong. Trust me, baby girl. I’ll probably be back in five minutes telling you everything is fine.”
He removes a handgun from the glove compartment and checks to make sure it’s loaded. I don’t like guns. Every time I see one, I’m reminded of when I was young and found one in my father’s closet. He caught me with it and screamed so loud that I thought my eardrums would break. He shook the gun in my face and told me how he wasn’t going to have to explain it to the cops when I shot my face off. I didn’t think he even considered how stupid it was to keep something so dangerous where a little girl could find it. That would mean taking accountability and he doesn’t know how to do that.