Page 1 of Chaos
The Hunt
“One, Two, We’re coming for you.”
“Fuck!”Keep going; keep running. Further into the depths of the cold, wet forest, I run. The sound of my sneakers sloshing through the damp leaves, twigs breaking, and my heavy breathing are all that I hear. Drenched in sweat, my tank top sticks to my skin as I run. They’re hunting me. Closing in like I’m the sweetest prey they’ll ever taste. It’s all a lie–a fucking lie.
They’re liars–killers. And I’m the pawn on their board of chaos.
“Jade. You better run faster, Babygirl; you know I love the hunt,” a deep voice rumbles into the night.
I can feel them all around me. It doesn’t matter that I can’t see them. I know they’re here.
“Come on, Kitten. Come play with us.”
Nope, I want to avoid playing their games tonight. How could I be so stupid? I rip the collar they made for me from my neck and throw it to the wet ground.
“You can run, but you can’t hide, Princess.”
I swear I feel Jameson’s hot breath on my neck.
They’re gaining on me. My nostrils flare, smelling Spade’s cologne–Woodsy, Vanilla and Weed. The hairs on my neck are standing at attention, knowing Dario is close. And Jameson? He’s waiting to take the kill shot. I have to keep moving because if they catch me, they get to kill me.
After what they did, I can’t forgive them. There’s no coming back from that. I was nothing but a game to them, just a means to an end, and I’m not going down without one hell of a fight.
I need to get out of the forest, out of the dark, and circle the grounds to get back to the safety of my dorm room.Fuck! Just. Keep. Moving!
“Kitten, if you know what’s good for you, you’d stop right the fuck now.” Dario growls.
“Big bad MC Princess is running from the big bad wolves. It’s so dark in this forest. Are you scared, Princess?” Jameson taunts, sounding much closer than he had only seconds ago.
Shit! They’re fucking close.
I’ve never had to run in the dark. I hate the dark, but I know these grounds like the back of my hand. It’s just so hard to see in front of me. I’m almost past the clearing, and just beyond that is the lake; I cannot get cornered there. My legs are all cut up from running through the woods. There are no trails here, just trees, twigs, and debris whipping against my skin, slicing it. I look like a mess, but I don’t care; I must keep moving.
Looking forward, I see the light from the post illuminating the path along the woods, signaling home plate is just around the bend. I can feel my bed calling me. I’ll deal with those fuckheads tomorrow.
I stupidly take a glance behind me and see nothing. It’s eerily quiet; the crickets and owls are silent. My heaving breaths are the only sound echoing in my ears, and I need to get that under control.
Why is everything so still, so silent?
This is not good.
There’s no way they stopped the hunt, no fucking way they gave up so quickly. They wouldn’t—not them. Not the obsessive, possessive, stalking asshole motherfuckers.
Fuck! I usually have them figured out, but this is their game. This may be my school and turf, but I’m stuck in their web and need a way out.
Just before I make it out of the forest, I trip over a log and nearly eat shit in the dirt.Fuck.I know they are on my tail, even if it’s silent. I know these boys. They’re lethal, unhinged, and calculated. I refuse to stop. Refuse to give in to them.
Chancing a look, I peer over my left shoulder just as I hit the tree line. Hell, yes, no one’s there. Maybe they gave up after all.
My face whips forward just as a twang whirs through the air, pain lacing my shoulder. The impact has me hitting the cold, wet dirt. I see a dark figure approach me, bending down, pulling me up by my wet, matted hair, whispering in my ear with a deep growl.
“Now, You’re MINE.”
Then everything goes black.