Page 17 of Chaos
“Yo man, chill; we won’t let this shit happen again; we cannot let it happen to her. We can save her; we just need more time.” I say, grabbing him because I know exactly how he feels. We lived through that night together, all three of us. I hugged him because I knew we all needed healing, and being here in this situation brought up old wounds we thought were closed.
“Time is not on our side, Reid,” he said, shaking his head at me, walking towards the bathroom, and slamming the door shut.
I take a deep breath. I don’t want to think about that night. It’s time to get ready, get my girl, and take her for a ride.
The Races
- Jade-
I’m still pissed off from earlier today, but I’m going to try to make the best of it for Spade. I pull on my tall black Harley Davidson Beechwood boots, lacing them up, slipping a 9.5’ Automatic OTF Knuckle knife into my left boot and a SOG Seal Tanto Blade in the right. I smooth out my tight, black, high-waisted leather pants. These are my favorite pants because the zipper in the back makes my ass look amazing in them. I matched it with a leather tank top that has a silver zipper running down the center that makes my tits look great. Shiny silver studded skulls line the entire zipper to bring the outfit to life. This top lifts the ladies in the most perfect way. I strap on my holster, putting Thelma and Louise in their proper places.Long curls fall down my back, black-lined eyes, and, of course, ruby-painted lips.
Before exiting the bathroom, I throw on my cut, spritzing myself with Victoria’s Secret Love Spell, and head out. Kayla is on the couch in the living room, snuggled up with her Kindle.
“So, how do I look?” I asked nervously.I’ve never been on a date before. D doesn’t do dates. He takes what he wants, just like he did my virginity. He’s the only person I’ve ever been with for the last five years. Trauma doesn’t count, right?
“Damn, Jade, If I pitched for that team, I’d fuck you.” She blows me a kiss which has me laughing and shaking my ass at her.
“What are you reading, Kay?” I ask, making my way into the kitchen while shaking my head, grabbing a shot glass, filling it with whiskey, and throwing it back.
“I need you to vacate the suite because you are distracting me with your asinine questions. I’m too deep into this; MF bully romance about a girl who lost her boyfriend and is arranged to marry this jerkoff but hey plot twist, the boyfriend is alive and he’s toxic as fuck. So you can go do your thing with Spade and leave me with my Kindle, Adios Hoe.”
She’s legit shoo-ing me. This girl, I swear. She’s lucky I love her.
“OK, OK, OK, I’m out. Don’t wait up,” I wink. She’s still cursing up a storm as I leave the suite laughing my ass off, heading down the hallway to the elevators. My phone pings; looking at the text, I smile.
Smooth Operator: Where you at, Babygirl?
Jade: Elevator
Smooth Operator: BET
I’m excited to hang out with him tonight. The elevator reaches the bottom floor. The doors open to Spade standing there. He looks like a fucking god, and it makes me feel like I need to go to church to confess my sins just for looking at him. He’s wearing acid-washed ripped jeans and a tight black tee that shows off his muscles and tattoos. A black leather jacket and black boots finish off his fit. His shaggy black hair is a mess, but I love it that way. I want to run my fingers through it. He looks at me stunned, his gray eyes telling me everything I need to know. Lust, desire, and need.And there goes my panties, ladies and gentlemen.
“BabyGirl, you look good enough to eat. If we weren’t in a time crunch, I’d take you in this elevator right now.” he groans, grabbing his dick.
“Well, Mr. Smooth Talker, maybe we can arrange that for another time,” I wink at him.
He grabs my hand, guiding me from the elevator towards the school’s front doors.
“You’re trouble, Jade Rivers, with a capital T,” pulling me down the steps to his bike.
His bike is an all-black CBR 650 Repsol . I’ve never been on the back of this type of bike, only Harleys.
The night air is a little nippy for a change, sending a chill up my spine. I understand now why he wanted me to wear my cut. Spade hands me a helmet, but not before lacing his hands in my hair and bringing his lips to mine. The kiss is slow and seductive, causing me to forget the crickets chirping in the night. The fact that we are standing in front of the academy for all to see doesn’t phase me, and leave all the bullshit of the day behind.
Kissing Spade is like breathing fresh air; he takes all the bullshit away with just one kiss.This is bad; this is so bad. I cannot fall for the son of “El Hefe,” not with D’mitri’s heart still beating.
Spade is the first to pull away, thumbing my bottom lip.
“I can’t wait to taste you,” he says, winking at me, turning around, climbing onto the bike, and starting it. I climb on the back, put my helmet on, and wrap my arms around his midsection, sliding closer to him. My pussy is already heating up from being this close to his sexy ass. I give him a little tap to signal I’m ready to go. He revs the engine, kicking the clutch, and we’re off into the night.
It didn’t take long to get to where the races were being held. It’s pretty close to the mill, which is perfect. The streets are always completely deserted if no race is going on. Spade is the one who organized this event, so there’s manpower on both ends of the county road. Spade drives us right through, and people clear the way for him like he’s some god.
So many people are here. The street is lined with different cars, bikes, quads, dirt bikes, and half-naked girls. This isn’t my scene. I’m used to partying at the clubhouse, where bonfires, good music, and drinks are flowing. Meathead bikers and, of course, the crow eaters always milling around. I wasn’t allowed to go to the races or the fights I did not organize. I wouldn’t have been allowed there if the club hadn’t thrown the party.
Honestly, I didn’t feel the need to tell Spade the truth. Not wanting to sound stupid or sheltered, but being that I am the “Club Princess,” I was protected by the club. I’m lucky I was able to keep Kayla as my friend. Everything has always stemmed around the club, and now that I’m away from home, I want to live.These boys make me want more out of life.