Page 21 of Chaos
Jade: I don’t fucking answer to you, pretty boy.
I left him on read because who the fuck does he think he is.Getting out of bed, I shower and get ready for the day. The first class I have today is Chemistry. It was my least favorite class, but I got to learn how to make chemical bombs and other explosives. Kayla had class earlier than me; I won’t see her until lunchtime.
I leave the suite and head down to where Jameson’s bitch ass wants to meet.Cue the eye roll.This better be good. I’m not in the mood for him or anyone else today. I’m low-key, hoping I don’t run into Spade. Not sure if we are good or not. I can’t handle it if it was a game. Like a stupid girl, I let him in between my legs, but Jesus Christ, the man fucks like a god.
The halls are busy this morning since it’s the first official day of classes. I spot Lexi, her nose and eyes black and blue.Good, fucking cunt.We make eye contact, I smirk, and she ducks into the nearest classroom, escaping my wrath.
Chuckling to myself, reminiscing the way her nose crunched under my fist. It felt so good. The blood pouring down her face was so satisfying. Not paying attention, too busy in thoughts of last night’s nose breaking, I was grabbed by my hair and dragged into an empty classroom. I spin, not caring about the pain in my scalp and throat, and punch the person who has my hair in their hands. There’s a choking sound, and my hair is immediately released.
“Jameson, what the fuck! Didn’t your mom teach you not to sneak up on a girl?’’ He recovers quickly, pinning my hands above my head with one hand and wrapping his other hand around my throat tightly.
“Listen, you little slut, this is going to be your only warning; stay the fuck away from my friends. They don’t need you poisoning their brains and dicks with your floppy pussy!” He spittles in my face. He’s squeezing my throat so hard I cannot get a word in edgewise. Let alone air to breathe.
He is pressing his hard body into mine to keep me still. He runs his nose down my neck, inhaling my scent.
He whispers, “You’re trash. That bitch Lexi is right. You are washed up, and you need to go back where you came from before your stupid ass gets hurt.”
I try to knee him in the nuts, but he doesn’t let up.
“Because of your dank little pussy, Spade almost got killed last night. He was so entranced with you that he almost took a bullet to the head for not being focused.” He lets go of my throat, shaking his head. I take a deep, ragged breath, ready to let him have it, but his hand glides down my face. I turned away, not wanting him to touch me.
“Don’t fucking touch me, you piece of shit.”
He laughs, shaking his head and taunting me, his hands touching my breasts, tweaking my left nipple. ”You are a dirty little slut, you even have your nipples pierced. You’re disgusting.” Pulling harder, flicking the hardened peak.This traitorous body of mine, what the fuck. I’m getting wet over this Asshole. Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with me?
He grinds into me, letting me know his tell. He’s hard as fuck. I smirk at him.Fuck this Asshole.He notices my smirk, grabbing my face, bringing his lips a mere whisper away, and licking them.
“You see this mouth, little whore. This mouth here is disgusting. It’s poison, and it will get you killed.” he shoves me away, causing me to bang my head into the wall so hard I see stars. When my vision clears, he’s already gone.
What in the actual fuck.
This day was fucked. After my interaction with fuckhead Jameson, the rest of the day passed by in a blur. I didn’t go to the cafe for lunch because if I see Jameson, I’m going to put a knife in his fucking throat.
I need to call my dad to see when the next shipment arrives. I know it’s coming up, but I need to double-check. This shipment I cannot miss. It’s a substantial order of all different calibersof guns, and the person I’m distributing to is from Ireland—the IRA. Flynn O’Patrick, the head of the IRA, only trusts me. I have no idea why, but he won’t deal with anyone but me. Flynn is a severe man. Most people, if not all, are deathly afraid of him. Me, not a chance. Even if it gets me killed one day, as Jameson stated, oh so nicely, then I lived life to the fullest and died doing what I do best. Flynn saved my life at one point.
One of his men at the shipment meeting captured me to sell me to the highest bidder. I was taken and put in a moldy, damp basement, drugged, and repeatedly raped. Flynn came in, guns blazing, killed everyone, and brought me back to my dad. This happened two years ago. Flynn didn’t have to save me. I could have died in that basement.
The amount of men who touched me, hurt me, and drugged me is atrocious. I still remember their hands everywhere. Their hot breath whispered in my ear, smelling like booze and stale cigarettes. The drugs they pumped into my veins to keep me docile. I’m a fighter. I fought and fought until my body couldn’t withstand the beatings anymore. Until everything went completely dark.
I still have the scars to live with. I don’t like taking my shirt off, so I always wear my cut with my holsters. That day, I made the mistake of not being armed with my pistols. D’mitri is the only man who’s ever seen the scars I wear. After Flynn brought me home. D’mitri took care of me. He cleaned, fed, and nurtured me back to health. I think that is when I truly fell in love with him.
My body ached all over, and I was bruised and battered to hell. I could barely keep my eyes open. Every muscle in my body hurt; I was disgusted and mortified. D’mitri held me in his arms in the bathtub, gently cleansing my skin with a soft sponge. I wiggled away from his embrace, not getting far; everything hurt.
“You’re safe, baby; I’ll never let anyone hurt you again,” he whispers in my ear. I sob.
“D, I don’t want you to see me like this. Just let me go. I’m used goods. You will never want me again.” I sob, holding my knees to my chest.
“You’re wrong, Fallon; I’ll always want you; you have been mine since the moment I laid eyes on you. This will never happen again. You are safe, right here in my arms. Let me take the dirt away. Let me revive the girl I fell so hopelessly in love with.” He says softly, still washing me. He lathers shampoo in my matted hair, massaging my scalp, relaxing my shoulders, and leaning my head back for easier access.
“I thought I lost you. D-Do you know what it felt like to be unable to find you, no one had answers.” His voice cracking.
“I wanted to burn the world for you. To find you. To hold you in my arms again. When I couldn’t find you, I went on the warpath. Your dad had to take my weapons away because I was slaughtering anyone and anything stopping me from getting to you. I didn’t sleep or eat. I called in all the favors I had to get some kind of answer. I sold my soul to the devil”. He kissed my soapy head.
“My heart was ripped out of my chest without you here with me. I don’t want to live in a world where you don’t exist.” He sighs, continuing his story while massaging my scalp.