Page 31 of Chaos
We circle one another.
“Oh Lexi, you must be a dumb fucking bitch because you will never ever beat me.” I bait her. She comes at me in full force, and I do a little dance around her, pushing her to the floor as she misses me completely. She growls, getting up, lunging for me, clawing at my shoulder. I grab her wrist, twist her around, and kick her in the kidney to the dirt ground.
“I told you bitch; stop trying; you’re not good enough to beat me,” She screams.
Kicking out to me but misses,This girl is fucking pathetic. This win is going to be like taking candy from a dumb cunt. She stands up, looking at me with a murderous look in her eyes. She pulls a knife from her bra. The crowd goes silent, everyone in shock that she pulled a knife on me.On me of all people. She really is fucking dumb. Security heads for the ring, but I raise my hand.Bitch wants to fight dirty, BET.
“Come on, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Come get me,” I taunt. She swipes her knife at my face erratically, and I lean back. She does it again and nicks my shoulder.I embrace the pain. I could end this right now, but I want to put on a show for the crowd.
“Lexi, Lexi, Lexi. You are a sad little girl. You can’t beat me with your fists, and you definitely can’t beat me with a weapon even if it was a gun. You’re worthless. Give up now while you still can.” I taunt her, circling her.
“Ya know, Jade, you’re not as tough as you may seem. Isn’t today the day your slut of a mother was murdered in cold blood? Oh, that’s right.” She brings the knife to her chin, “Daddy liedto you. What was it that he told you? Oh,” she claps her hands together, pointing the knife at me.
“That your whore of a mother died in a car accident getting groceries. All your life, you have been lied to. You’re nothing, nothing but a product of prostitution. No one loves you. Not your mom, not your dad.” She maniacally laughs. “He’s not even your real father. You’re a pathetic waste of space.”
“I’m going to kill you, you dumb bitch.–” I lunge at her, grabbing her by the throat and squeezing. I feel the knife sink in my skin, but I don’t feel the sting. I tighten my grip and disarm her bitch ass with my other hand. I head butt her in the face. And sink the knife deep into her gut; the feeling of her blood pouring out over my hands is satisfying. I pull the knife out, grabbing her by the throat; her eyes widen as I slam her face first into the dirt; hearing bones break only fuels me. I take the knife and stab her in the neck. I stand up, smiling like a lunatic, looking around the room. Some are cheering, and others look afraid.
Suddenly, black dots littered my vision, and I hit the dirt ground hard. I hear my name being shouted in the distance, but then silence.
I gasped, waking up. Completely startled, not knowing what just happened. I’m outside on the hay bale, lying down; I smell sandalwood, whiskey, and Patchouli.Dario. I blink once and twice. I must have blacked out. I try to sit up, but he stops me.
“Kitten. I need you to stay lying down. You have been passed out for twenty minutes. I need you to fully regain consciousness before sitting up so you don’t get dizzy and pass out.” I nod.
“Where is she?” I growl.
“She’s been loaded into a van for disposal. Jameson is waiting for the clean-up crew right now. Spade looked at your wound and he will take care of it later. It’s superficial, you will live to see another day, Little Minx.” He smirks at me.
I slowly sit up, feeling better. He hands me a bottle of water, and I chug it down. Thirsty as fuck.
“You had me worried for a second there. I almost took you to the hospital, but I know you would have kicked my ass if I did” I smile at him. Grabbing his face and kissing him.
“Thanks for taking care of me. I’m good now.” He nods.
“You missed your second fight.”
“Well fuck, Okay I’ll be ready for the next one.”
“Not happening but I’m up in a few minutes. Do you want to stay here and I’ll send Spade out or do you want to come and watch me kick some ass?” he grins.
Sighing, “I most definitely want to watch you lay a mother fucker out,” I laugh. He grabs my hand, helping me to stand. Heading for the barn doors, I hear the rumble of the bike.
Devil Incarnate
Can this mother fucker get a goddamn clue?
“Dario, Go win your fight, let me handle D’mitri alone.” I kiss him on the cheek, and he grabs my arm.
“You are not to go home with him tonight. When I win, you’re staying with me,” giving me a warning look full of lust and promise.
“That’s if you win,” I wink.