Page 35 of Chaos
I instantly relax.He’s getting me out of the dark. I’m okay; I’m safe.I hear a roar as Spade quickly gets me out of the barn.
“Jade!” D’mitri roars.
Fuck he’s going to find me, and I know after that video, there is no coming back from that. He will kill me.
Spade moves faster by throwing me over his shoulders. We are out of the barn seconds later. He flips me back over, handing me his helmet. I see many men surrounding the building, all wearing weird-looking bird masks. Fully armed. They throw what looks like tear gas into the barn.
“Spade, My brothers, Make sure my brothers are safe before those men destroy my mill!” I yell.
“Don’t worry, Your brothers will be safe. D’mitri, I can’t make any promises. Now get on and let’s get the fuck out of here.” He smiles at me.
Climbing on the bike, I yell, “Where’s Dario? I was trying to get to him but lost sight. The crowd was too thick”.
“He will catch up and meet us. Don’t worry. He will be fine. I told you to trust us. So get on this bike and shut that pretty mouth of yours before I make you.” he smirks.
I grab around his middle, lock my thighs around his, and squeeze him, letting him know I’m ready. He spins the bike around with such precision. He really can handle anything put in his way. We weave through all the cars and get onto the main road. We speed into the night. Luckily, no one is following us. I rest my head between Spade’s shoulder blades as he drives through the long road surrounded by forests. There’s barely any street lights. Just the sound of his bike in the night.
Spade starts to slow when I see headlights. A lot of headlights. There’s no way around them! Whomever it is, they are blocking the road, and the only way is to go through them. There are ditches on both sides. Spade comes to a stop.
“I don’t recognize these vehicles, Babygirl. Grab my gun from the back of my jeans. I have another one on my ankle. When I tell you to shoot. You shoot.”
“Yes, Grandpa I know. Thanks for the lesson, ass-hat.”
Four figures slowly approach us. All the cars blocking the road look like foreign cars. I take my helmet off and begin to climb off, but Spade grabs my leg,
“No!, you stay put!” he growls.
“Na, I know them. Give me a second to deal with this.”
He doesn’t let go.
“You can come with me if it makes you feel better,” I sing.
He rolls his eyes at me. Four men approach, and I lift the gun, pointing at one. Spade does the same at another. The ones standing by the cars all draw their weapons.
“Kai, Have your men stand down; you know I don’t like having guns pointed at me, if you don’t have plans to pull the fucking trigger,” I say with venom laced in my tone. Kai steps up, signaling his men to stand down with a flick of his wrist. I lower my weapon as well to show respect. Kai knows I’ll kill all his men even if he’s the leader of the Wang Triads. He doesn’t want the headache. But the real question is how did he find me, and what does he want?
“Jade, My dear, it’s good to see you. I hope I didn’t piss you off with my grand entrance,” He states.
“No, not at all but a phone call would have sufficed,” I reply
“Well, this meeting needed to happen in person and was urgent. I could have gone to your father, but I don’t particularly like him. I have always enjoyed dealing with you, young lady.”
“What can I do for you Kai?”
“It’s been brought to my attention, your enforcer has been milling around my product, and the word on the street is that he and his friends hijacked my last shipment. It was a very large shipment of cocaine that was coming from “El Hefe”— he nods to Spade.—His father”.
“We cannot have this. If I didn’t have respect for you, I would have taken care of him myself. I have the utmost respect for you after what you did for my daughter, Leilei. I hope you can rectify this problem before I have to take matters into my own hands. If I have to do that, the club will be held responsible, which also comes from the Rodriguez Cartel. Shipments have been going missing for months, and fingers are all pointing to D’mitri or Devil’s Incarnate.” he leans back against the hood of his car, folding his arms across his chest.
“Thank you Kai for this information and for coming to me first. I will handle the issues. Next order is free from us. Let me know your gun order and I’ll personally deliver it to you. I’m sorry this has been a constant issue. It won’t happen again.” I say in thanks, trying to amend D’mitri’s fuck ups.
“Very well, you take care, Jade, and stay safe out there. I’d hate to see something bad happen to you.” He sticks his hand out for me to shake.
I shake his hand and wait for them to return to their cars. They do just that and leave. I look at Spade venomously.
“You knew about this ambush?” I shove him. He grabs me by my hips, bringing me to him.
“No, I didn’t; my father doesn’t tell me all his business dealings. I’m only good enough to kill those that cross the cartel.” I nod, stepping away, climbing on his bike, and putting my helmet back on.