Page 38 of Chaos
“Thanks for stitching me up Dr. Spade. Ya did good kid” I full belly laugh.
He raises a brow, grabbing my ass.
“Dr. Spade? No, Babygirl, no. I do not like that. You can call me Daddy, though,” he winks.
“Dario is more daddy than you are. Try again,” I smirked.
“Oh, so you have jokes now, don’t you?” he tickles my sides, making me giggle.At this moment, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. We are just missing a piece..or two to the puzzle.
He walked us out the front doors, and I noticed my Jag was back.Thank you, Marco. Spade puts me down on the hood of my car. I glance through the windshield and see the money bag.Good shit, Marco. I’m going to have to give him an extra cut for this.
I hear the roar of the bikes.Dario and Jameson. Finally, I can’t stand Jameson, but I owe him a thank you because I’m sure he had a helping hand in what happened tonight.
Blood & Meat Hooks
“Fuck you, I’m not telling you shit.”
D’mitri spits as he’s suspended in the air slightly on the same hooks used when we made our first kill. After Gio’s men came into the mill with the tear gas, we secured D’mitri and threw his ass in the van. Giving Gio’s men specific instructions to get the twins and Kayla to safety, we took D’mitri to the warehouse by the dock just outside Whitestone in the meatpacking district.
The docks are where our shipments come in and out. The warehouse is a cover. It’s a slaughterhouse—an easy place to clean up blood. The smell of blood is permanently pungent in the air. This is one of my favorite places; this place is the only place where the voices are quiet, except today. The voices lovedAmelia, so they are only loud here for this reason. It’s sick that I love the sight, taste, and smell of blood; watching the human body be skinned alive is euphoric. Apparently, we cannot, in fact, skin D’mitri. Yet.
We need to reveal some truths to Jade before moving forward with this plan. I think it’s bullshit that we need her permission first. He killed Amelia; he needs to pay his penance. We watched it happen. We still don’t have the answers as to why he killed her, but if he values his life, he will spill. Otherwise, I’ll use what seems to matter most to him: Jade. If I need to use her as bait, I will. Dario and Spade will not like that idea, but if it gets us closer to who placed the hit on Amelia, so be it.
I tap my chin with a switchblade, “Who sanctioned the hit out on Amelia?”
“Who the fuck is Amelia?” D’mitri grunts.
“Don’t play fucking stupid, you were sent to kill her last year,” I growl.
“I don’t know who the fuck you’re talking about, did I fuck her? Is that why you’re such a salty dickhead?”
“Kill him.”
“Skin him.”
“Carve Him.”
I walk closer to him, picking up the electrical box with two buttons: up or down. I hit the green for up, and D’mitri rises a little higher, the hooks pulling more tightly against his skin.
“We want his blood.”
“Avenge Amelia.”
“Tear him apart Jameson, DO IT!”
“You caught her off guard in the backyard of her home. You held her head under the water as she fought for her life. Then as you raised her head up, you cut it completely off her neck. Shoving the body into the pool as you took the head with you.”
“Oh, The blonde-headed bitch, yes, I remember, I killed her entire family. Man the way my machete sliced her head off like butter. It was glorious my man. The way she fought in the water. I should of fucked her headless corpse,” he laughs manically.
“Take the knife Jameson.”
“It’s your only chance.”
“Don’t fail.”