Page 66 of Chaos
Leaving the academy and arriving at Jade’s house, I’m greeted by my buddy Augustus. Seems like he missed me. I get on the floor and roll over with the huge pup. Letting him slobber all over my face. Jade sends the dogs out back while we suit up. She takes us to her library, and behind a specific wall is her walk-in safe. This isn’t the first time we have been here. She showed us this room in case we need more than what is in the room in the closet downstairs.
“We can’t just waltz into the hospital and kill everyone. Do we have enough tranqs to get Jameson out?” Dario looks to Jade for the answer.
She pulls open a cabinet filled with all different vials of chemicals—perksof being the best friend of the maker.Dariolooks stunned at the amount of vials lined up and labeled. There’s rows of different guns to get the job done.
“I told you I have a good reputation. I didn’t get these all from the Pierces. Mostly yes. But I barter with other crime lords to get what I need. Do you want bulletproof vests?”
“Na, I’m good,” I answered. Dario shakes his head no. She doesn’t realize that this is what we are good at. We are trained killers; We’ve spent years in training between combat, weapons, torture, and hijacking. Walking into a hospital guarded by some retired cops is a walk in the park.
“Well, don’t get lit up. I can’t drag the two of you out of there and Jameson. So be smart and not stupid.” She shakes her head at us and continues to arm herself with silencers, knives, tranqs, and tear gas. She bends down and grabs a duffle bag of ammo. Behind her, she slides open a drawer, taking out a case. She opened it, checking everything inside.A sniper rifle? Can I marry her, please?
“We need to go! Because if we don’t I’m going to bend you over this fucking island and fuck you until you can no longer walk.” I say, grabbing my now-hardened dick. She shakes her head, laughing. Dario is just as hard as I am watching this girl suit up. It’s such a fucking turn-on.
“Are my Kings ready?” We nod in unison.
Her Kings? Why do I love the sound of that?I look over to Ri, and he’s got this grin on his face. He likes the sound of it, too.
“Grab the duffle and the case! Let’s go get our boy!”
“Fuck yea, let’s kill some motherfuckers!” I yell, excited as fuck to save Jameson. His dad is such a fucking monster. All of our fathers are! I will not follow in their footsteps if and when I have children. This depravity, the torture, and the lessons end with us! It will not bleed beyond us. I don’t care if we have to take down everyone that gets in our way. It’s not fucking happening.
Exiting the house fully armed, we take Jade’s bulletproof SUV. It takes us thirty minutes to arrive at Whitestone General. We immediately noticed that the hospital was heavily guarded. We park a block away on some run-down street with no cameras. If Jameson were here, we wouldn’t have that issue. He’d wipe them.
“We are going to need a diversion in order to get in. Any ideas?” Dario asks from the front seat.
“Nope, My crew isn’t equipped for this magnitude of security. Now if it was the club, then I’d have some back up. This is all on us.” Jade answers.
“I got something,” I say, pulling out my phone and texting Ophelia.
Reid: Yo O,
Ophelia: What’s up, Reid?
Reid: Call in Stone, Asher, and B. Meet at Whitestone General and bring the bikes. Wear masks and gear, and use the fake plates.
Ophelia: Should I be worried?
Reid: I need a diversion. Tell Asher to bring the colored smoke and my blank plates in the lockbox. He knows the code. I’ll explain once you arrive. We are parked on South Hospital Way in a matte black Tahoe; the headlights will be on.
Ophelia: OK, We are at the warehouse suiting up now. See you in thirty minutes.
“Alright, I got O and some others to meet us here. They will be our diversion even if this leads away from the hospital. They willlose them on the bikes,” I say, informing the others of my plan. But Jade doesn’t miss a beat. Turning around to look at me.
“Who the fuck is O?” she raises a brow at me. Oh, this girl, I love how jealous she gets and she doesn’t even realize it.
“First of all, put the claws away, Kitten, She’s a senior in high school,” Dario interjects, laughing. She narrows her eyes at him, still waiting for me to answer.
“He’s right. She lost her boyfriend four years ago, and I kept seeing her sitting where he died. I stopped one day to talk to her, then taught her how to ride and took her on as a part of my crew. She was lost and sad, and I know how that feels. Her father is Judge Fitzgerald. The most twisted judge in New York.”
“Yea, he’s a piece of shit. He’s been gunning for the club for a long time. We think he’s been trafficking women. Anytime the crow-eaters would get locked up we would go to get them, and it’s like they were never there. It’s weird as fuck. No paper trail. Nothing. We could never get solid evidence to place blame on the judge. He’s locked down tighter than a fleas ass.”
“Oh shit, that’s crazy, but I believe it. He’s as crooked as they come, but he’s got so many people in his pocket, he’s like Dalton and the Aces, untouchable.”
“I can’t wait to take them all down!” Jade says through gritted teeth. Ri and I both agree with that statement. It will happen sooner rather than later. I’m hoping after this, we can all agree that we are no longer the puppets of the Aces. Even if that means we take them down and kill ourselves in the midst of it.
“I admire your jealousy, Babygirl,” smirking at her. She narrows her eyes at me, throwing an empty water bottle at my head.