Page 9 of Chaos
All Dario does is glare at me. D’mitri grabs me and wraps his hand around my throat, whispering in my ear with a warning, “That better not be your pussy I smell coming off him because if I find out it is, I will kill him while you watch, and then I will shove your favorite knife up your pussy and shred you to death. Nod, if you understand me.”
I do the only logical thing and nod. I place my hands on his chest and lean my body into his.
“Baby, I gotta go tell Kayla I’m leaving with you. I rode with her, and you know I won’t leave her.”
He stares into my eyes, looking for the deceit, and lets me go, slapping my ass. I don’t spare Dario a glance and head for the house, looking for Kayla, trying to get far away from the two men outside, still glaring at one another.
I walked into the house searching for Kayla, and of course, I couldn’t find her. So I text the bitch to let her know I’m leaving with D’mitri and will explain later. I head back out of the house,but not before taking two shots of tequila because I know this is going to be a total shitshow.
As I leave the house, I hear skin hitting skin and see D’mitri and Dario going blow for blow. I’m going to put a bullet in each of them.I swear to God. I pick up my pace and retrieve both pistols, letting off a round into the air. Everyone stops, including D and Dario. I point my guns at both of them.
“Cut it the fuck out before I put the next round in both of your heads at the same time. D, you know my aim is on point. Get on the fucking bike and take me fucking home.”
They both back away slowly. Dario gets into his SUV without another word. D gets onto his bike and starts it, waiting for me to get on the back. He hands me my scarlet red and black helmet with Jade written on the back of it with cherry symbols because this sick fuck constantly tells me my cunt tastes like cherries. Sliding the helmet on and climbing onto the bike behind him. Feeling the vibration of the bike against my traitorous clit.Bitch simmer down. I wrap my arms around D’s middle, but he whips around, grasps my face, and lays a brutal kiss on my lips, biting my bottom lip. “MINE” is all he says before straightening, clicking the clutch, putting the bike in gear, and taking off down the long driveway towards the main road back to my house.
I hate this man that my body is wrapped around, but I can’t help but feel like I’m home on the back of his bike like it used to be. But then I remember the crow eater riding his dick, and I feel the hate radiating off of me.
D grabs my hands that are around his middle and squeezes them. I’m not sure it’s almost affectionate or reassuring, but it makes me uneasy. I know the night isn’t over; I also know that when we get back to my house, he’s not going to leave, and all I want to do is get into my bed and cuddle under the blanket, wishing Dario’s mouth was on me and we could finish what we started.
Poking The Bear
D and I arrived back at my house. He parks in the driveway next to my black Jaguar. He kills the engine and waits for me to get off before putting the kickstand down. I get off the bike and remove my helmet, shoving it in his chest and storming away. I’m too tired for this shit tonight.
“Fallon, stop.” He demands. I whirl around, getting into his face, not giving a single fuck.
“NO! I will not stop! You’re a fucking asshole with a god complex. Who the fuck do you think you are embarrassing me like that in front of everyone I have no choice but to attend school with.” My words come out laced with venom.
“Fal-“ I slap him across the face, screaming at him.
“Stop fucking calling me that; how many times do I need to tell you?” He grabs me by the throat, and I swing on him for the second time tonight, making contact. He’s a sick fuck and loves when I hit him.This non-existent relationship is so fucking toxic.
“Jade, cut the fucking shit; all you’re doing is making my dick hard. You won’t let me talk to you. You won’t answer my messages. You won’t let me explain, and it’s maddening. I gave you time to cool down, and I’ve had enough of waiting for you to get over yourself. You know who I am; you know the club life. Why does my behavior surprise you? You know you’re my old lady, and no one else means shit to me.”
I try to pull away from his embrace before I seriously fucking stab him. He pulls me tighter, pinning my hands behind my back with his one large hand. The other hand is gently around my throat.
“Look at me, Sweet Bottom. Look into my eyes and see that every word I just said was true, you and only you! The only person that matters in this fucked up life. I won’t let you go, and you know it. Stop fighting me, and just let me prove to you that we are meant to be, baby.” he whispers gently.
I hate when he does this. This is how he got me in the first place. The smooth-talking, telling me all I want to hear. D’mitri is pure muscle; he’s big as shit, covered in tattoos, cold black eyes, a black faux hawk with tattoos on his head as well. He’s a scary fucker but gorgeous. All man.
He leans down to capture my lips, but I turn away. His grasp on my throat tightens, causing me to look at him. This time, he captures my lips, forcing his tongue into my mouth; I refuse to kiss him back. His grip tightens until I give in, and I get lost in the kiss. If D is good at anything other than killing, it’s his mouth. He can kiss like a god. I’m so distracted by his kiss that I don’t even notice he let go of my hands, let alone that my handsare pulling his black hair until the feel of cold metal between my thighs, my body freezes on the spot.
“Sweet Bottom, you wanna explain to me why you have no panties on?” nudging the gun against my bare pussy, causing a slight moan to escape from my mouth.
”Don’t fucking lie to me, Fallon,” he growls as he uses the gun’s tip to spread my wet lips and rub it against my swollen clit. All I hear is how wet my cunt is, and I moan again. D growls, removing the gun from my aching pussy. He puts the gun to my head as he pulls my hair, causing my head to go back slightly. He gets in my face, drool coming out of his mouth.
“It was that motherfucker from Monty’s, wasn’t it?” He bites out, pulling tighter on my hair. I moan out again because, why the fuck not. His grip only tightens, making my scalp scream for relief. I look at him dead in his soulless eyes, knowing there’s a gun to my head, and he could very well pull the trigger.
“So what if it was?” His eyes bulge, and he snaps, letting go of my hair, tossing the gun, picking me up by the backs of my thighs, and laying me out on the hood of my car. He slaps my dripping cunt that’s on display for him, and I whimper.
“You think this is a game, Jade?” he yells, ripping my skirt from my body. He takes out his knife and cuts my shirt and bra clean off of me. My nipples pebble from the cool air. I take a shuddering breath as he glides the blade from my jaw down my neck to my breastbone and around each nipple.
“That piece of shit touched what’s mine, and you let him.”
He nicks my left nipple ever so slightly, and I gasp at the sting. Soothing it with his tongue and swirling my nipple, he nicks the other one as he licks the blood pooling on my stiff peaks. The sensation is wild. The pain, the cool air, his hot mouth, and the cold knife were all on my skin. My senses overload.