Page 2 of Deathly Desires
Squinting my eyes in the moonlight, I can determine the semblance of a face, and hands, features that betray a darkly handsome entity.What the fuck?The reaper is ripped as fuck. The swirling darkness of his form reveals abs that look mouth-wateringly chiseled. Like a ladder for curious fingers, they lead down to a smooth V, and to a horrifyingly huge shadow cock. How tangible his form appears to the eye seems to depend on the light.
I’m lost for words as he spreads his arms wide before curling a long, shadowy, and bony finger.
Did the Grim Reaper just flash me right now? And did he really just drop his robe and come hither me?I want to say I don’t know what this specter of death could want of me, but I’m not stupid, and I wasn’t born yesterday. The Grim Reaper wants me to suck his fucking shadow meat! “Holy shit.” I step closer, my feet acting of their own accord. “Is this the way I pay my toll? Like my silver coin to the Ferryman?” I ask, my gaze trained firmly on the pulsing, hard cock between us. “No cock, no afterlife? Is that it?” An insane laugh escapes me, the absurdity of my situation momentarily overcoming my fear. “Wow! I wish I could just hang out with you and see how all the God-botherers react when they die! I’d pay to see their faces.”
A dark rumble that sounds suspiciously like laughter fills the brisk air.
“Oh, good. Death has a sense of humor.” The reaper strokes his cock and a shiver runs through me. “So, if I do this, I’ll find peace, right?” I press. “I guess reaping souls is a pretty lonely job. No down time? Okay. Why not? Sure. I’ll blow you, and then I’m paid up? That seems fair, I suppose.”Honestly, I’ve had far more revolting and sickening sods touch me and force me into submission in life.And truthfully? I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that some dark, fucked-up part of me finds this not only immensely terrifying and amusing, but a bullshit huge fucking turn-on.
The reaper seems to read my mind and, placing his hands on my head, gently pushes me down, guiding me to kneel. “So, you can’t talk, huh?” I ask. “That’s cool. Talking’s overrated anyway.” Using my knees to adjust the earth to my comfort, I turn my gaze to the pulsating, throbbing shadow cock mere inches from my face.Seems fitting that it should end like this for me…
Chapter Three
Reaching out a cautious hand, I tentatively touch the shifting shadows with my fingertips. A gasp escapes me, and I withdraw my hand in shock. It might appear intangible, but that cock is definitely solid and hard as a rock. I glance up at the reaper, lick my lips, and then reach out again, this time a little more confidently. The reaper groans—the sound no more than a rasping whisper—as I trail my cool fingers up and down his brutally impressive length.He must be nearly ten inches? … Jesus! I wonder what it—I mean, what he tastes like? The grave? Ice?
Filled with equal amounts of nerve-wracking anticipation and prickly dread, I languidly drag my tongue around his head. It’s smooth and surprisingly warm, and as cold as I am it feels like Heaven—like a long, thick hand warmer endowed with visibly throbbing veins. A shiver runs up my spine, and I become suddenly aware that my nipples feel as cold as icicles. They strain against the sodden fabric of my black sweater, desperately tender and chilled.
Spurred on by my body’s illicit reaction to the sight and feel of the reaper’s monstrous cock, I take his slick head into my mouth. Wrapping my lips around its base, I begin to suck. My eyes grow wide and I gasp around the appendage in my mouth.What the fuck?Holding his shaft, I draw back, flicking my tongue along the slit of his dark beast.I must be going fucking insane!Dead and insane? I suppose anything’s possible. The reaper’s pre-cum tastes like melted chocolate—like, legitimately. Not chocolate-flavored syrup, but rich, pure, real creamy liquid chocolate! It’s my favorite treat. I love chocolate everything! It’s my one weakness. My very own addiction!How in the Hell…?
Maybe blowing the Grim Reaper for eternity wouldn’t be such a bad thing? I mean, my reaper’s totally hot in this shit-your-pants, have-a-heart-attack, abuse-me-now-Sir kind of way; and the fucker tastes like freaking chocolate!Count me in. Who needs eternal peace when you can have sex and chocolate? I mean, really?Settling into a comfortable position, I set to work. I don’t know how often Mr. Grim gets his rocks off, but I’m going to blow this guy like, well, my eternal life depends on it.
Licking up and down his shaft, I delight in the feel of his veins against my tongue. For someone so apparently dead-like, he feels very alive and full of life, or at least something like it. My reaper combs his long, skeletal fingers through my wet rainbow locks, and I shiver as I feel sharpness—like curved claws against my scalp. Opening my mouth wide, I take Mr. Grim to the back of my throat, moaning around his cock as his grip on my hair tightens, causing little trails of lightning to sting and dance across my skin.
My reaper is a bit of a sadist it seems. And for the first time in my life—orunlife—the thought drives me wild and gets me wet like crazy. Almost every time I’ve been dominated has been against my will, with guys I was repulsed by. This is something else entirely. The Grim Reaper terrifies me on some level, but I’m also inexplicably drawn to him. His domination is subtle and allows me to choose my level of control. And I get the feeling he wants me just as much if not even more than I want him.The Grim Reaper wants me? Hot.
The reaper groans as I hold his shadowy cock in my spasming throat. Suppressing my gag reflex, I wriggle forward until my hands can trace the length of his cock and trail over that sexy-as-fuck V and around his hips to his ass. I cling to his muscular backside, digging into the shadowed flesh with my black-lacquered nails.
The reaper growls. I glance up—mouth full of monster cock—to meet his hollow gaze, only to notice pinpoints of sentient black fire burning within. He grins then, and against his bare-toothed grin I see the semblance of dark lips curling into a vicious smile.
I moan as he tightens his fingers in my hair and forcefully draws my head back, giving me barely a second to gasp for air before he thrusts, slamming my head forward to fuck my throat with deliciously cruel abandon. All I can do is endure it. I focus on keeping my throat relaxed, my mouth wide, and my lips firm as I cut into his ass even deeper in a mimicry of protest.You like to play rough, fucker?Two can play at that game.
Underneath my skull-and-crossbones mini-skirt, Mr. Grim has me dripping warmth down the inside of my cold thighs. My insides begin to ache and my poor clit throbs, desperate for attention. I can’t remember the last time I was horny and felt good about it. To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I actually fucking wanted it. The ball’s never been in my court, but now it is, and I do want it. God damn, I want to be claimed by the Grim Reaper! And if all I am now is a soul, then I want him to fuck my bloody soul! My need to feel that rigid, veined shadow cock deep inside me is madness inducing.
Lost in my own desire, I’m suddenly snapped back to the moment by a searing burn across my scalp, and the sensation of thick, hot, chocolate-flavored cum oozing down my throat. I gag, but he holds me tight. I swallow as best as I’m able around his immense girth.Fucking Hell, it’s delicious. But I might bloody well drown in it!
“Mm,” I moan as he pulls back, rubbing his gleaming head around my lips like sweet, sticky lipstick. I lick the heavenly goo from my lips, using my finger to wipe around the corners of my mouth before sucking it clean, my gaze fixed firmly upon Mr. Grim’s.
Something in my look must trigger the darkness within, because in the next second the reaper seizes me by my hair and drags me from the shore to the edge of the moonlit forest. He roughly tosses me over a large, damp, fallen tree, and I cry out as I hit the wet bark, momentarily winded. It’s only then that I realize what’s about to happen, and my world view narrows to my wet-ass pussy as Mr. Grim tears my black panties from me as easily as if they were made of tissue paper—leaving my bare ass and my glistening cunt exposed to the cool whisper of the All Hallows’ Eve breeze.
Chapter Four
“Wait! Oh my God.” I gasp, trying to look backward, but the reaper holds me down, a large, firm hand placed between my shoulder blades. His strength and desire to dominate me has me dripping, and I whimper in frustration and wanting.But he has such a huge cock! Bigger than I’ve ever taken before! What if he rips me open?I’m confounding myself. It’s insanity! With one breath I want that big, fat cock ramming me over the tree, and with the next fear bubbles like a spring beneath the surface.
Wait. What am I freaking out about?What is there to fear?It’s not like he can fuck me to death. I can’t die twice. I’m already dead!Licking my lips in anticipation, I push my ass up, cheekily wiggling it from side to side. “Come on then. Fuck me like you mean it!”
The reaper presses his hand down harder, forcing my face to the damp wood—effectively commanding my silence—and I can all but feel my pussy quiver with hunger. His large, smooth head slides up and down my sopping wet cunt lips, and it takes all my willpower not to push back. I can’t explain it, but I’ve never wanted someone so badly! I whimper like a mewling kitten. “Please, Sir,” I beg. “I need you, Mr. Grim.”
The reaper smacks my ass, then sinks his vein-rippled, shadow cock inside me, all the way to the hilt. His dark sac slaps against me, and I cry out in ecstasy. My pulsating insides clutch at him, desperate to keep him, but he withdraws all the way, taunting and teasing me with his head—dipping itjustinto my slick wetness before pulling back.
“You’re a fucking monster,” I sulk as my fingernails find purchase on the damp bark.
Mr. Grim seems amused by my need. He slides inside my warm, moist pussy with deep, long, slow strokes.
And I hate it.Fucking God, I hate it!It’s agonizing. I can’t take it. It’s murderous and cruel. He’s purposely denying me and taking his sweet time. But I want him to fuck me like a wild thing. I want to feel his great cock sawing me in fucking half.This slow bullshit is torture! Torture!I squirm beneath him, becoming increasingly frustrated. “Is this my punishment?” I ask. “Did I do something wrong?” When he stops suddenly inside me, but continues to grind his hips against me, I break. I can’t. I just fucking can’t.I’m not above begging. I need that cock to ravage me more than I’ve ever needed anything.
“Please!” I sob, unexpected tears spilling down my cheeks. “Fuck my cunt, hard, please! I need it. I’ll do anything for it. You can even bury that huge cock in my ass if you want to, afterwards! Please! Just. Fill. Me.”
Seemingly intrigued by my offer or perhaps striking upon some semblance of empathy, the reaper drags his fingers down my spine, his claws tinglingly like fire over my cool flesh. And I know I’ve won. Surely.No guy in the universe ever says no to ass. And I don’t think the Grim Reaper will be the first to turn it down.