Page 11 of Tiger By the Tail
“My pleasure, Kat,” he rasped seductively.
Woah, there.
Their mother must’ve made a deal with the devil. There was no other explanation how she could’ve ended up with those two as sons, one hotter than the other.
“The pleasure’s mine.” I said in a way too low, way too breathless voice that made both brothers huff.
Lewis sounded amused, Roy…not so much.
Swallowing hard, I tore my eyes away from Lewis to look up at his brother. His upper lip twitched once before he got himself under control.
I wasn’t sure how much I liked being watched like that by not one, but two smoking tiger boys. Like they wanted to eat me. Not that I’d object.
As soon as they had inhaled their sushi, Lewis and Callum got up so the young American could get Lewis ready for the shoot. Rafe, Neda, and Declan offered to get coffee for all of us from the Hut, and poor Gill, who hadn’t spoken at all during lunch, moved over to a corner to sulk some more.
I saw him staring daggers at Callum, who was joking around loudly with Lewis. A weird mix of his cute Southern drawl and Lew’s Scots-tinged English floated over to where Roy and I had remained sitting after everybody had finished lunch.
I’d taken out my laptop, and we were talking about our project, and what the next steps were. I enjoyed having an innocent reason to look at him. He was graceful in his movements. The way he mapped out his ideas for me, long fingers drawing in the air before him, was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.
Lewis getting up from his chair and sauntering over to the rack with his outfits momentarily distracted me. Callum watched after him, plush lips pursed as his eyes hung on the thick tail flicking lazily behind him as he walked.
What a great ass.
“I smell heartbreak.”
I’d barely moved my head to ask if his brother was notoriously breaking hearts, when I saw Roy was smirking in the direction of Gilliatt. The Kraken model stood with his shoulder against the wall, acting as if he was fascinated by something outside the large window. His eyes were transfixed on the spot where the curly-haired man stood, an almost wistful expression on his face.
“Sure looks like it,” I agreed, quietly amused. Then I turned back around and froze. Lewis had stripped out of his t-shirt and I saw the muscles in his back move when he bent to take off his jeans.
Holy shit.
I knew my behaviour was inappropriate, but I couldn’t stop staring at him in his tight navy blue boxers. The fabric was stretched to its breaking point by the globes of his ass and his monstrous thighs.
Callum gawked, too. His face slack, eyes hooded, clearly turned on.
I feel you.Won’t lie, I can appreciate a pretty ass.
It was at least a full minute before I realised I was still ogling Lewis, who’d been picking clothes for the first round of photos off a hanger, and started to get dressed again slowly, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. If I hadn’t known any better, I would have said he was aware of us staring and enjoyed giving us a show.
It was Roy’s tiny cough that made me tear my gaze away. Clearing my throat, I dove back into our chat about the first mockups of the new shop, making it plain that I was not going to discuss my staring at his brother. A couple of times my eyes sought out Lewis, but it was easier to keep my attention on his brother when he was fully clothed.
Chapter Five
Lewis joined us for his coffee after multiple outfit changes and having a couple of hundred photos taken. Declan had brought all of our drinks in thermal mugs; I knew how much Lew in particular hated cold coffee.
Gill strode over to the set. The transformation of his attitude from grumpy asshole to charming professional as soon as he was in front of the camera, was fascinating to watch.
It was only when I heard Lew’s seductive rumble that I realised I’d spaced out for a moment.
“Do you have a business card? I’m starting a new job at a brewery soon, and they are in desperate need of new marketing.” Lewis grinned at Kat over his coffee, lips curled back to expose his long bright white fangs.
I loved my brother to pieces, but right that minute, I hated every stupid bone in his body. She’d eye-fucked himwhen he’d changed into his first outfit. I mean, I didn’t blame her. With his bright blue eyes and the fluffy black and white coat, he stood out from the masses even more than I did.
“Yeah, of course.” Kat sank one hand into her bag to dig out a little case with cards. “I’ll be working with Roy for the foreseeable future, so it would be best if they got in touch with my boss, Dexter.”