Page 37 of Tiger By the Tail
“I'm tempted. It's all been so tasty. I kind of don't want to miss out on dessert.”
“Good girl,” I said without thinking, seeing her flush adorably at my words.
Oh, Kat. If you’re not careful I’ll have you for dessert instead.
I asked Sharmin if he could get us some chhena jilapii. He beamed, nodded, and headed back to the kitchen.
“I never knew you spoke Indian, Roy, and I feel totally stupid that I missed it. I’m your PA, I should know this.” Declan narrowed his eyes at me as if I had failed letting him know that crucial bit about myself.
“And you never showed off and impressed us with your mother tongue.” Kat sounded at least as indignant as Declan.
Raising my hands, I tried for a disarming smile. “Woah. Sorry folks. I’ll make sure to give you a taste of my mother tongue more often.”
Kat blushed, and quickly took a sip of her drink, before relaxing back in her seat.
You can have as much of that as you want, baby.
Then Sharmin was back, carrying a plate with three of the most delicious Bengali treats ever. Maa only made it on special occasions; money had been tight and she had towork full time to be able to afford our small cottage and feed two hungry boys and herself.
When she made them, though, there had been a huge serving, mountains of chhena jilapi, deep fried sweet pretzels drenched in sugary syrup. I rarely allowed myself to indulge, had done it even more lately with mine and Kat's weekly donut dates, but I'd gladly head to the gym the next morning if the day ended with jilapi, and perhaps a post-dinner serving of pussy.
Stop thinking about her pussy, idiot!
Kat and I shared the jilapi, and the noises she made indulging made it impossible for me not to want to wear her thighs as earmuffs. She was just so unbelievably gorgeous, but gorgeous hadn't served me well in the past. Abbie was, by conventional standards, even though I had long since lost the ability to see her beauty. The rare moments when she'd shone had eventually been few and far between, her allure becoming tainted by her treatment of me.
Sharmin returned briefly and placed a pot of chai and three small glasses on our table before backing away, bowing. I picked up the tea and served the three of us, only then realising that Kat and Declan had struck up a conversation about kickboxing.
“You should definitely have more lessons with Emilio. He's amazing, right Roy? Thanks,” she added as she accepted the chai from me.
“I have no idea what I'd do without him,” I agreed with her.
“I'm not sure I was made to hit people. Imean, I sort of liked my first lesson, but—” Dec gave me a rueful little smile when I handed him his tea.
“It's totally not about hitting people, Declan.” Kat poked his forearm. “Although, I gotta say, it's great after a long day at work when you're all frustrated. Just letting it all out, you know?”
On a punchbag, not your partner. Like normal people do.
“Mio’s been wondering when you’d be back, Declan. I can ask him if he has any free slots, just say the word.”
“Yeah, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea. I've been wanting to work out a little more.” He patted his stomach again, chuckling. I adored my PA; he was like a cuddly teddy bear you had no other choice but to like. “He’s so intimidating, though.”
Kat snorted. “He’s actually just a cuddly kitty cat under all that bulk.”
“Aren’t we all?” I asked rhetorically, making the humans laugh.
“All right, I’ll give it another go. It’d be nice if you could ask him, Roy.”
“Consider it done.” I returned the smile, then refilled my glass and emptied it before I got up. “Be right back.”
“You’re calling him now?” Declan sounded mildly panicked.
“What? No, I just need a wee. I’ll tell him next time I see him for our staff meeting.”
I settledour bill on the way back from the bathroom, tipping Sharmin a whopping fifty percent just because I could. He followed me to the table, thanking me over and over again. I assured him in Bangla that it hadn't been a mistake and that no, I didn't want the money back, and I was certain next time I came there would be a picture of me on the wall. God, I loved my people. And I loved that I had the chance to feel alive again.
We said goodbye to Sharmin and Declan, who took a cab back to get his car, then made our way back to the flat, walking so closely next to each other that our fingers brushed repeatedly.